Who’s Reigning in Your Life, and What Fruit Are You Producing?

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By Geneva Mooney

What does God want you to surrender? What is He asking you to do? What does He want you to say YES to? What is biblical?

  • Is it Jesus?
  • Is it being baptized?
  • Is it having a sabbath?
  • Is it coming to church or coming to church regularly?
  • Is it becoming a member of your church body?
  • Is it raising your hands during worship?
  • Is it serving within the church or serving more?
  • Is it getting involved with a Bible study or a community group?
  • Is it loving someone who’s unlovable?
  • Is it sharing your story?
  • Is it being quiet and listening?
  • Is it being bold and speaking up?
  • Is it learning how to receive or to give?
  • Is it mentoring someone, or being mentored in the faith?
  • Is it trusting in Him during a hard season?

Is it … what is it for you?

Better yet, what control is He asking you to surrender?

  • Yourself?
  • Your time?
  • Your money/finances?
  • Your spouse?
  • Your children?
  • Your reputation?
  • Your emotions?
  • Your fears and doubts?

He wants our hearts to lean toward His heart and desires, not the desires of this world. He wants us to have freedom, but in order to receive that freedom, we have to choose His ways. We have to learn to trust Him and the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Every “yes” is a stepping stone to Him, a step closer to His blessings and a step closer to His covering for our lives … a step toward freedom. Freedom is not easy, and it’s not for the fainthearted. It’s a fight to persevere to get out of the prison and bondage we create for ourselves (2 Timothy 2:26). If our fear, doubt, and selfishness are getting in the way, He gently disciplines us. The more we ignore Him calling us to serve and praise Him full heartedly, the more difficult things can get. He loves us, and only He knows what is best for us — we do not.

I remember surrendering my memory, my husband, my children, my time, my reputation, my choices, my emotions, my fears, and my doubt to build up trust in my Heavenly Father. He has changed me and my family (go ahead and ask me my story sometime). The more I have changed, the more peace and joy I have received, and the more peaceful my home has become, no matter the circumstance.

My choices weren’t easy; it was the hardest thing I have ever done. War is ugly and spiritual warfare is real, and we will always face opposition in our choices. We can choose to serve and praise our Lord, or to serve ourselves. Are we going to be a prisoner of war, or will we be a warrior? We have choices.

Are we moving one choice closer to who our Heavenly Father is, or a step closer to who he is not and the bondage it comes with (Proverbs 1:30–31)?  Which father are you choosing to be like: a Heavenly Father with the fruit of the spirit or the father of lies with the fruit of our flesh? One Father loves us, and the other loves our destruction and demise. One grows great and bountiful fruit within us (Galatians 5:22–23), and the other grows rotting and deformed fruit (Galatians 5:19–21). We have but two choices: to persevere with what He is calling us to do or to give up, do nothing, and/or run. One is serving Him, the other is rebellion. Our choices reflect whom we are serving and which fruit we will produce.

I took on this ministry knowing I was expecting a child. I didn’t do it because I wanted to or because it was easy; I did it to say “yes” to my Lord and trust Him. Please say “yes” to serving in this church body, and persevere. These are some of the areas you can serve in:

  • 2:52 Kids – every six weeks to twice a month
  • Awana – every Wednesday evening from September to May, following the Puyallup school district’s schedule
  • Usher Team – every Sunday for a month, every third month
  • Worship Team – about every three weeks
  • Hospitality Team – once a month to every other week
  • Coffee Crew – once a month
  • Joining or leading a community group
  • VBS – once a year during the summer
  • Interceding with the Prayer Chain
  • Mowing Elim’s ever-growing lawn – seasonal
  • Work Day to beautify the grounds – seasonal

As you can see, there are many opportunities to serve at Elim, and it’s better to have an abundance of volunteers than too few. Don’t take on a lot; take on a little and build from there. You can serve as little or as much as you want. Try different areas to see what you’re gifted at — the hidden talent God has always seen in you may surprise you. What area are you going to start serving in and saying “yes” to?

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