Settled in Your Soul

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You may or may not realize it, but we have some very wise, insightful, and gifted people at Elim. Donna McKenzie is one of those individuals. I read her recent blog post, “Settled in Your Soul,” and my immediate thought was, This needs to be shared with the rest of us! With her permission, we are sharing it with you this week.

God bless,

~ Pastor Martin

My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God, my salvation, and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 62:5-8 (NASB)

By Donna McKenzie

I glanced up at my friend as she sat down beside me at church. We are both moms and caregivers for our adult children with physical disabilities. I recognized the look of fatigue in her eyes. She leaned over and whispered to me that it had been a long morning. She was, however, excited to make it to church, even if she was a little late. I gave her a knowing look and a big hug.

Near the end of church service, we stood with the rest of the congregation to sing the final song, a unique version of “It Is Well” (“You Make Me Brave,” by Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music).

As we sang, my thoughts went to my friend standing next to me. I thought about how much she has gone through in the past few years and additional challenges in the last few months. Yet despite it all, I heard her quietly singing, Through it all, through it all . . . it is well. I knew it could not be easy.

I have been there, where you strain to sing the words. Wanting to believe it, holding onto the hope that it promises, and yet still the internal struggle. Near the end of the song she leaned over to me and said, “You know, ‘it is well’ doesn’t mean what people might think.” I gave her a little hug; I knew exactly what she meant!

How do you explain to someone who may not comprehend how, in the midst of heartache and pain, you REALLY can sing with passion, that it is in fact, well with my soul?

It is not a happiness or pretense that everything is great. It’s more like you’re at peace in your spirit. That it is SETTLED IN YOUR SOUL!

Settled in your soul. Knowing who God is. Trusting him for strength for each day. Understanding HE IS SOVEREIGN, which gives us hope. Hope not dependent on circumstances. An eternal hope, where one day there will an end to all heartbreak, pain, illness, struggles, and death!

When we know these things to be true in the very depth of our soul, THEN we can say, yes even sing, “It is well … with my soul.”

Some days may be more difficult than others, but we can get to that place where it is settled in our soul no matter what!

Well then, how do we, during extraordinarily difficult situations, freely sing those words with a deep sense of peace that it will be well with our souls? By surrendering constantly to God’s will. Believing he is God. Knowing he is in total control. Trusting in his faithfulness to keep his promises.

The real heart of the matter is that being well in our spirit and soul is not about us or our circumstances. It is experiencing His peace that passes all understanding even in the midst of overwhelming odds. It is resting in His love for us knowing that He cares for us.

Take a moment and listen to the words of this song we sang, “It Is Well,” Kristene DiMarco and Bethel Music.

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