Under The Rug

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by Gordy McCoy

With the construction work with the new carpeting, stage replacement, and the new wall being worked on, it reminded me of one of my favorite Christian musicians, Morgan Cryar. He sang and wrote songs in the early 80s. One of his songs is called “Under The Rug.” I thought it would be a perfect time to share the words to his song.

Lookin’ at the shortcuts
Takin’ the easy way out
Cleanin’ your heart house
You’ve got some sin hangin out
Then comes that knock at the door
A glance at the rug on the floor
There it goes
Under the rug
Under the rug
Hide your heart there
Think nobody knows
Under the rug
Gods gonna start there
Cleaning as He goes
Some guilt in the closet
A couple of pieces of pride
White wash the front door
So no one suspects whats inside
With one clean sweep
These shelves that you keep
Under the rug
Under the rug
Under the rug
Hide your heart there
Think nobody knows
Under the rug
Under the rug
Gods’ gonna start there
Cleaning as He goes

Under the rug and stage at Elim is a lot of dirt, grime, and cobwebs. The question we all need to ask ourselves is, “What are we hiding under the rug or in our heart’s closet?” Take time today to clean out under your rug and in your heart’s closet. Christ can clean any closet or under any rug. He did mine.

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How To Listen To A Sermon

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by Martin Schlomer

How should we listen to a sermon? Do we listen in the same way we listen to a college professor, some late night talk show host, or a motivational speaker?

In the late 1700s pastor and evangelist George Whitefield was used by God to fan the flames of The Great Awakening Revival. One of his sermons was called “How to Listen to a Sermon: Keys to getting the most out of what the preacher says.” As I read what this man had to say, it serves as a great reminder to all of us regarding how we should listen to a sermon so as to get the greatest benefit.

Keys to Getting the Most out of What the Preacher Says
By George Whitefield

Jesus said, “Therefore consider carefully how you listen” (Luke 8:18). Here are some cautions and directions, in order to help you hear sermons with profit and advantage.

1. Come to hear them, not out of curiosity, but from a sincere desire to know and do your duty. To enter His house merely to have our ears entertained, and not our hearts reformed, must certainly be highly displeasing to the Most High God, as well as unprofitable to ourselves.

2. Give diligent heed to the things that are spoken from the Word of God. If an earthly king were to issue a royal proclamation, and the life or death of his subjects entirely depended on performing or not performing its conditions, how eager would they be to hear what those conditions were! And shall we not pay the same respect to the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and lend an attentive ear to His ministers, when they are declaring, in His name, how our pardon, peace, and happiness may be secured?

3. Do not entertain even the least prejudice against the minister. That was the reason Jesus Christ Himself could not do many mighty works, nor preach to any great effect among those of His own country; for they were offended at Him. Take heed therefore, and beware of entertaining any dislike against those whom the Holy Ghost has made overseers over you.

Consider that the clergy are men of like passions with yourselves. And though we should even hear a person teaching others to do what he has not learned himself, yet that is no reason for rejecting his doctrine. For ministers speak not in their own, but in Christ’s name. And we know who commanded the people to do whatever the scribes and Pharisees should say unto them, even though they did not do themselves what they said (see Matt. 23:1-3).

4. Be careful not to depend too much on a preacher, or think more highly of him than you ought to think. Preferring one teacher over another has often been of ill consequence to the church of God. It was a fault which the great Apostle of the Gentiles condemned in the Corinthians: ‘For whereas one said, I am of Paul; another, I am of Apollos: are you not carnal, says he? For who is Paul, and who is Apollos, but instruments in God’s hands by whom you believed?’ (1 Cor. 1:12; 2:3-5).

Are not all ministers sent forth to be ministering ambassadors to those who shall be heirs of salvation? And are they not all therefore greatly to be esteemed for their work’s sake?

5. Make particular application to your own hearts of everything that is delivered. When our Savior was discoursing at the last supper with His beloved disciples and foretold that one of them should betray Him, each of them immediately applied it to his own heart and said, ‘Lord, is it I?’ (Matt. 26:22).

Oh, that persons, in like manner, when preachers are dissuading from any sin or persuading to any duty, instead of crying, ‘This was intended for such and such a one!’ instead would turn their thoughts inwardly, and say, ‘Lord, is it I?’ How far more beneficial should we find discourses to be than now they generally are!

6. Pray to the Lord, before, during, and after every sermon, to endue the minister with power to speak, and to grant you a will and ability to put into practice what he shall show from the Book of God to be your duty.

No doubt it was this consideration that made St. Paul so earnestly entreat his beloved Ephesians to intercede with God for him: ‘Praying always, with all manner of prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and for me also, that I may open my mouth with boldness, to make known the mysteries of the gospel’ (Eph. 6:19-20). And if so great an apostle as St. Paul needed the prayers of his people, much more do those ministers who have only the ordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit.

If only all who hear me this day would seriously apply their hearts to practice what has now been told them! How ministers would see Satan, like lightning, fall from heaven, and people find the Word preached sharper than a two-edged sword and mighty, through God, to the pulling down of the devil’s strongholds!

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It’s Going To Be A Busy Summer!

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by Dan Amos

I grew up with church on Sunday mornings and Sunday and Wednesday nights and Sunday School all year round. Even in Germany we had everything except Wednesday nights; we had something called AWANA then. So, when we came to Washington 16 years ago it was a bit of a shock to find pretty much everywhere that things seemed to shut down in the summer, even here at Elim. Appearances can be deceiving!

It’s true we don’t have those regular events that I grew up with, but I never said I actually liked them either. Wednesday nights were excruciating and, truthfully, soured me on corporate prayer. I think it is God’s sense of humor that he took one of the least in prayer to be part of The Gathering where we have a good time worshiping him in prayer. So if you feel like I did, come join us during The Gathering and see if God doesn’t change your mind (and heart), too.

It’s also true that many of our community groups take the summer off and Women’s Bible Study takes a break. Sure, there are lots of youth activities and families do a lot during the summer, but what about our church family? This was brought to me as a need and I took it to the Elder Board. Very shortly the building that Elim calls home is going to get torn up during construction and re-carpeting. We call Sunday morning “church” and we call the building “the church” but really collectively we are the church and church meets whenever we do.

Below you’ll find a list of the group activities when our church has plans to meet this summer. If I added Sunday mornings to it, it would be even longer. I also left out 5-day clubs, youth, and young adults. The women have coffees and Connecting Hearts events. The latter alternate between evening and morning meetings to allow more women to participate in at least some of them. The men even have a couple of events in there, too.

“Family Time” though is something the Elder Board added to get our whole body, the church, together four times during the summer. The idea is to come together, eat together, and play together. Pretty much everyone I know eats on Wednesdays, so instead of eating at home, bring your dinner to the place we call “church” and eat it together with the people we call “family” who are the church at Elim. We’ll have more details in the coming weeks and hopefully by the end of June we’ll have some dry weather.

The calendar is packed and our first Family Time will be while our youth and their leaders are at Challenge in Ohio. We’ll still have a good time, but if you have any ideas for pick-up activities, like volleyball, please let me know.

I know many are looking forward to our summer Sunday morning schedule with just the single service (starts at 9:30). We are excited because our whole family will worship together at the same time. We’ll get to see everybody together and get acquainted but only if you’re there. And if the sun finally shines on Sundays, we will start our mornings worshiping the Son indoors with our church family in the building Elim calls home.

Date – Target Group – Event

6/6 – All – Farewell to Champneys
6/12 – All- Workday
6/12 – Women – Coffee
6/13 – All – Picnic
6/19 – All – Yard Sale
6/19 – All – Gathering
6/30 – All – Family Time
7/7 – Men – Shooting Range
7/10 – Women – Coffee
7/10 – All – Gathering
7/14 6 pm – Women – Connecting Hearts
7/14 – Jr High/Parents – Family Fun Center
7/17 – Sr High/Parents – Hike
7/21 – All – Family Time
7/28 9 am – Women – Connecting Hearts
7/28 – All – Feed the Homeless
8/4 – Men – Batting Cages
8/6-8/8 – All – Family Camp/Gathering
8/9-8/13 – All – Soccer Camp
8/11 6 pm – Women – Connecting Hearts
8/14 – Women – Coffee
8/18 – All – Family Time
8/25 9 am – Women – Connecting Hearts

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