The Carpet Conundrum

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by Martin Schlomer

Over my past 16 years at Elim, I have been privileged to be in the homes of many people. One thing I have noticed is everyone has their own sense of decorating style and taste. If you want a modern utilitarian style, check out the Wibowos’ home. It’s so incredible an article titled “Magic Mountain” was published about it in the architectural Dwell Magazine.

If you prefer a more exquisitely classical style, check out the McCulloughs’ home. Or if you want a down-to-earth home where you can kick back on the couch with your shoes on, check out the Wellers’ home.

We all have unique tastes. However, when you’re in another person’s home, what matters most is not their sense of style, but the relationship you have with them, the life you share in Christ.

Last September, we started on a journey to raise money to pay for some mundane but much-needed capital improvements at Elim. Our goal was to raise $30,000 by June. I am here to celebrate that as of last Sunday, May 23, the Lord has provided $27,866 toward this goal – through you! We are within $2,200 of our goal. Thank you for your sacrifice!

Two weeks ago we asked two individuals who have demonstrated a proficiency in interior decor to help us choose the color and pattern of our new carpet. With great fear and trepidation they took on the task and made their choice. Last Friday, I ordered the carpet. (At the same time I suggested that these two unnamed individuals should go into witness protection!)

In approximately 6 weeks, I predict you will walk into our meeting place and you will notice that something looks very different. As you gaze upon this new carpet, I know there will be those who will say, “I love it! These mystery people made a great choice!” Others may think, “Who chose this carpet? Why did they select these colors and this pattern?”

Many considerations went into selecting the quality of the carpet, along with the colors and pattern. Two big considerations were durability and the ability to hide stains. Other considerations included matching other assets, such as the chairs.

The bottom line: Some people will like it. Others may not. After all, we all have our own unique decorating styles and taste. As we travel this path together, I just wanted to remind everyone to please be gracious in their speech, as well as thankful in their heart for God’s provision through everyone’s sacrifice.

In addition to laying new carpet, in a few weeks we will also begin rebuilding the stage as well as the back wall. We will need your patience as we go into this dusty remodeling process. We will also need your help! Bob Hedge, the project manager, will make pleas for help on specific days as we tear out the stage and build a new, larger, single-level platform.

Under the leadership of Christ, you have been exceedingly generous! I look forward to celebrating with you this great accomplishment to the glory of our Lord.

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