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by Steve Kearns

Most people who were born before May 18th 1980 know what major event happened that day. Yes the “Eruption of Mount Saint Helens.”

Not very many people know what happened on that date ten years earlier. Two kids running from dysfunctional families exchanged wedding vows in a Catholic church in south Tacoma.

Not knowing Jesus as their personal savior, those vows were only words between the two of them. Four years later after months of heartache by the selfish immature husband they came to know Christ as their savior. As they grew in knowledge of God and learned the importance of vows or covenants those words spoken four years earlier began to take on new meaning.

God’s word is full of His promises to us. Hebrews 6:13-20 speaks of His promise to Abraham and how He fulfilled it. If you read vs. 13 & 14 you will see God did this in the form of an oath, “He swore it by Himself.” Vs. 18 says “It is impossible for God to lie.”

What a blessing for us as believers to search God’s word for all of His vows or promises to us and know that He will not renege on even one of them. Needless to say the deceiver tries to convince us otherwise, but I for one am not buying into his lies.

Take time to look at God’s promises for you, there are many of them! I held Him to his promises in Proverbs 22:6 and He fulfilled that promise to me. That is just one of many examples of how He has cared for me over the years.

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