Red or Blue?

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By Jeff Foerster

Is the decision crystal clear? As easy as pie? Written in black-and-white? Some have stated that the differences between our two major presidential candidates are vibrant and would result in very different consequences, requiring sober judgment on Election Day. Others have said that the two major players on the electoral stage are strikingly similar; that they are merely the latest cosmetic face on the two parties which have brought us to the precipice at which we now stand.

My purpose here is not to provide an endorsement in this debate. You may believe that this election is the most significant one in modern times. Or, you may see it as indistinguishable from any other. Like you, I have opinions. Like you, I want to make an informed decision. Like you (I hope), I will be voting.

As the curtain is drawn on this election cycle, I look to my hope. I love this country and the ideals of freedom, opportunity, and justice upon which it was founded. I’d like to see these lived out by our citizens and by our leaders. I desire to see prosperity of all kinds blanket our nation. But this is not my hope.

I will not give my hope to man who cannot return it fulfilled.

My mother has often told me, “Remember, God is in control.” On many occasions has she repeated these words, a balm to my mind and heart in these uncertain times. Truly, no matter the outcome of this election our Hope is still secure. Join me in approaching this Election Day with neither anxiety nor anticipation, but with understanding and faith.

In this environment of shifting political sands, I need a Rock on which to stand.

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One Reply to “Red or Blue?”

  1. Well said, Jeff. On November 7th, assuming there’s not a recount, my salvation will not have changed, my savior will remain victorious, my hope will be fixed in the eternal. If there is a recount, same result.
    Meanwhile, I will vote for the system of government I find preferable. I will vote for the moral values I believe are consistent with my faith. I will not say how I am voting and I hope my life bears witness to my Creator. The rest you can guess about.

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