Ministry Description

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By Senior Pastor Martin Schlomer

November 6 marks the beginning of a very important week in the life and history of Elim! We will candidate Nate Champneys for Elim’s second full-time associate pastor position. As the Champneys are here for the week of November 6-11, we’ll fill their time with opportunities for you to meet Nate and Becky and hear Nate’s heart and vision for Worship and Children’s ministries. The schedule of events is in the e-newsletter, but you can also find it posted on Elim’s website as well as on the information board in the fellowship room.

A very important part of this process will be to understand the responsibilities of this new position. I, along with the Elders, have spent a lot of time prayerfully thinking through what is needed in the areas of Worship Arts and Children’s ministries, and we have created a ministry description that answers the question, “What will Nate do if we call him to this position?”

Please review this description. It will be very helpful as we walk this path together.

God’s blessings,

Associate Pastor to Lead Worship Arts

JOB SUMMARY: With heart and passion, oversee the Worship Arts and Children’s ministries by providing vision, leadership, creativity, and volunteer development so that these ministries fulfill the mission, vision, and discipleship process of Elim EFC.

HOURS: 45 hours per week.

Managerial Responsibilities – With heart and passion, oversee the Worship Arts and Children’s ministries and volunteers by providing vision, leadership, creativity, volunteer recruitment, and development so that these ministries fulfill the mission, vision, and discipleship process of Elim EFC. The specific areas of managerial oversight include:

  1. Worship leaders, instrumentalists, and vocalists
  2. Sound ministry technicians
  3. Presentation ministry volunteers
  4. Children’s ministries from nursery through 5th grade
  5. Administrators for Children’s and Worship Arts ministries

Task Responsibilities – Take direct responsibility for the fulfillment of the following ministry tasks:

Worship Arts ministry

  1. Develop and implement a mission, vision, and process (MVP) for Elim’s Worship Arts ministry that accomplishes Elim’s MVP.
  2. Establish ministry goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) at the beginning of each year that will accomplish MVP.
  3. Review each worship service to make sure it accomplishes our vision and purpose for the Worship Arts ministry.
  4. Work closely with the Senior Pastor to ensure our vision for the service is being accomplished.
  5. Lead worship services (potentially multiple weekly services) 2-3 times a month.
  6. Recruit and train developing worship leaders, musicians, and vocalists.
  7. Attend rehearsals as required to coach volunteers and troubleshoot problems.
  8. Train, evaluate, and encourage all personnel on a quarterly basis in the ministry so that encouraging, praiseworthy ministry results.
  9. Work with the worship administrator to develop a quarterly schedule for musicians, vocalists, sound personnel, and presentation personnel for all worship and special services. Finalize and disseminate this schedule one month prior to the start of the quarter.
  10. Lead and work closely with the sound and presentation ministries’ leaders to ensure cohesive communication and unity among all participants.
  11. Be competent in all aspects of the sound system and presentation software.
  12. Order necessary slides and other materials for worship services.
  13. Incorporate new music into worship on a monthly basis.
  14. Oversee the setup of Communion.
  15. Creatively incorporate appropriate worship elements for the theme of the service, in addition to music (video, prayer, special music, readings, ensembles).
  16. Attend weekly staff meetings, monthly Ministry Leadership Team meetings and all Elder Board meetings.
  17. Incorporate an average of at least one hymn per service in accordance with our worship style.
  18. Network with other worship pastors/leaders in the Puyallup area for encouragement and development.
  19. Other duties as directed by the Elder Board and Senior Pastor.

Children’s ministries

  1. Develop and implement a mission, vision, and process (MVP) for Elim’s Children’s ministries that accomplishes Elim’s MVP.
  2. Establish ministry goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) at the beginning of each year that will accomplish MVP.
  3. Recruit teachers and helpers for Discipleland.
  4. Train and evaluate Discipleland volunteers twice a year.
  5. Work with the church administrator to develop a quarterly schedule for Discipleland teachers and helpers. Finalize and disseminate this schedule one month prior to the start of the quarter.
  6. Work with the church administrator to order curriculum for all Discipleland classes.
  7. Ensure adequate supplies in children’s rooms.
  8. Work with custodians to make sure the rooms are set up and organized.
  9. Oversee the AWANA ministry by working closely with the commander(s) to make sure the ministry accomplishes its mission, vision, and purpose.
  10. Develop and oversee a creative strategy to reach out to children through a summer ministry outreach like soccer camp, sports camp, etc.
  11. Work with church administrator and communications team to reach out and communicate with parents regarding Children’s ministries.
  12. Network with other children’s pastors/leaders in the Puyallup area for encouragement and development.
  13. Develop and administer a process for securely accepting and releasing children to designated guardians.
  14. Other duties as directed by the Elder Board and Senior Pastor.

This position comes with a part-time worship administrator as well as administrative support for Children’s ministries from the part-time church administrator.

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