by Cheryl Weller
Spring has sprung in the great Northwest and summer is right around the corner. Be careful not to blink because fall is around the next corner!! With spring comes summer and fall planning for the children’s ministry at Elim.
The theme this summer – OUTREACH! Let’s get out of the building and go into our community and neighborhoods. Consider these two opportunities to reach those in the community around Elim and in your own neighborhood!
* Host a 5-day Club! This is a great opportunity to reach the children in your neighborhood. We want to partner with you by providing the materials, supplies and any training you may need. Grab a friend and your children or grandchildren and begin planning. Let this be a family outreach; plan together, serve together. What a great example for children to see and learn as they serve as Jesus served. A 5-day club in your home is were children will see and hear about Jesus – were real life is shared.
* Outreach Soccer Camp! We are excited to offer this fun high energy camp again this summer and once again we need you! This is a great opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on an open field while playing soccer with the children.
We need coaches, registration coordinator, snack organizer/snack providers, outreach coordinator…there are plenty of ways to serve at Soccer Camp – and don’t forget to invite kids from your neighborhood and bring them each day. Dates will be announced in the next e-newsletter!
This fall we are starting a new ministry to reach out to the children at Zeiger Elementary and I am very excited about it! It is called KidREACH. KidREACH is a World Vision program that reaches children who are struggling academically and/or socially by tutoring them in a free after school program. We will be partnering with Zeiger Elementary school and will offer a safe environment here at Elim for children to come and work one-on-one with a volunteer tutor in the areas of reading, writing and math. Through WV the volunteers will receive training – but the ultimate goal is to build a relationship between the child and the tutor. It is through this relationship that outreach happens with the child and their family. This relationship begins when the child is paired with a tutor who will not only help them with homework but will also walk along side them throughout the time of the ministry, October – May, and hopefully beyond. We will meet on Wednesday’s from 4-5:45 with the hopes that some of these children will stay for Awana. For those who stay we will serve them dinner before Awana.
What is needed to make KidREACH an effective ministry here at Elim?
We will need those who love to serve behind the scenes. We need a snack coordinator – we need a meal coordinator – we need a party planner (celebrate Birthdays, Christmas etc..) – we need a set-up and tear-down coordinator – we need a prayer coordinator (someone who will make sure that each child and tutor pair are being prayed for) – we need a co-site coordinator (work along side of me) who loves paperwork! We need those who love garage sales to be on the look out for specific games and books –
And of course we need those who would love to work with children and tutor them while building a relationship with them. We will only offer spaces for those children that we have tutors for. Men – this is extremely important for you to consider. Young boys need role models!
Together we can make in impact for Jesus in the lives of children! Start at home by being that example of serving Jesus together and have fun. Then let’s reach out to our community and the children who desperately need Jesus – they are loved by Him and they are special to Him as they should be to us, His Body, here at Elim
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