Out of the Dark

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by Dan Amos

One of the big lies of sin is that we are alone.  For those who were there on Sunday, you know that you are not alone. Sexual sin, lust, is not unique to men, but the temptation and attacks are common to most every man. Even though the Bible tells us repeatedly that sin is used to damage our relationship with God and others and that light chases away the dark, this is an issue so wrapped up in fear and shame that it is easy to think we are alone.

I am thankful for the first couple of men to speak with courage and boldness.  That was an act of throwing light on the dead moose in the room. And I have to believe the timing coming one week before the men’s retreat is not coincidental.  I’m anxious to hear the stories that come back of men teaming up to put this sin to death..

Accountability is a key part of conquering sin, any sin.  God knew what he was doing when he made us relational people.  These relationships take work and I confess I let my accountability relationship fade away.  I need to reconnect.  As Woody said in “Toy Story” about accountability partners (“moving buddies”), “If you don’t have one, GET ONE!”

Men, find another man; women, find another woman.  If you need help getting connected, talk to Martin or Brian.

One last thing, there are resources available to help with accountability in this area.  We have X3Watch (http://x3watch.com/) loaded on our computers at home.  It runs in the background and keeps track of the urls for questionable websites visited and sends an email to two accountability partners every two weeks.  Programs that attempt to filter out inappropriate content will often degrade computer performance but X3watch does not.  There is a free version and a more feature-rich commercial version.

This note will be posted on the Elim Facebook site.  I invite you to go there and discuss this issue.

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