Got Peace?

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Jeff Foerster

I thought for a moment about simply leaving the title unto itself: “Got Peace?” I don’t know that I need say much more than what was communicated on Sunday. Jesus is Peace. Peace with the Father. Peace with ourselves. Peace with one another.

I think back (not too far for some examples) of times great and small lacking peace. I can honestly say they have been times where Jesus did not seem close by. They are times I had wandered far in thought and deed, not able to clearly hear His voice amidst the noise I had become accustomed to listening.

Do you hear noise? Are you pressed hard by duties or desires or fears or circumstances or memories? In this world you will have trouble.

Scripture tells us that peace is one of the hallmarks of a Christian and a result of an abiding relationship with Jesus. He wants you to have it. He wants to have you. And I do believe they go together.

Let’s look again at John 16:33:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (emphasis mine)

“In me.” United with Jesus, not only in mission, but in listening to Him, in following His ways, His heart for us, for others—in knowing Him. I believe that is a place of Peace—and I know of no other.

Got Peace?

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