Faith In Action, Saturday May 14th

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by Cal Kierum

An opportunity to serve the Lord together while serving others

Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Hebrews 10: 23-24   Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.   And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds

The Holistic Outreach Team is excited to present an opportunity for all who call Elim home to serve on Saturday May 14th.    We have scheduled several projects that you may join as we seek to let our light shine before all men.   Sign-up sheets are available in the rear of the sanctuary and there are detailed project descriptions there.

Here is what is happening:

Stan Peterson is leading a project to build a wood shed for one of the women in our church.

Bill Parsons is leading a project to build 3-drawer dressers that will be used by homeless people.   We anticipate having a couple of homeless men assisting us in this project.   This will happen at Elim.

Stacie Kierum is leading a project making “no-sew” fleece blankets for Care Net, the center who ministers to women with un-anticipated pregnancies.    This project will happen at Elim.

Paul McCracken is leading a project to help with yard work at a neighbor’s yard.

Cheryl Weller will be leading Discipleland Kids.   They will be doing a free car-wash and cookies.   This will happen at Elim.

Bob Walsh is leading a group to do weeding to help someone in our church who is unable to do this due to health issues.    This project does not have to happen on the 14th and could happen earlier if the team can do it.

As you can see, we have projects available for all ages and physical abilities.   You can check the Faith In Action bulletin board for project details, including what skills and tools or materials may be needed.   There may be other projects that become available so make sure to check the Faith In Action bulletin board and table in the rear of the sanctuary.

Also, if the Lord is calling on you to meet a need and you would like to organize a project, there are blank project forms both at the Faith In Action bulletin board and on our Elim website.   Please feel free to get a project going if you see a need, whether it be ministering to someone within Elim,  to your neighbors, to someone in our community, to one of our missionary families, or to any others who the Lord is calling you to serve.    If you see a need but do not feel qualified to lead it, please prayerfully consider who you could approach about leading.   The Holistic Outreach Team will try to equip and empower all who feel called to serve others in the name of our Lord.

The Holistic Outreach Team would like to see other projects developed for the rest of the summers so even if you cannot participate on May 14th, remember to check the Faith In Action bulletin board for future opportunities.

Let’s take every opportunity to go and serve in South Hill and beyond!

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One Reply to “Faith In Action, Saturday May 14th”

  1. This is an awesome opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world! Pulse contributed some $$ from its budget to help place Bibles into the hands of pastors who need them in the midst of this terrible situation in the eastern DR Congo.

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