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by Brian Sharpe

At Elim over the years we have tried to make prayer a priority. We have had prayer times in, before and during the worship services. We also met on Monday nights and for special prayer times for happenings at Elim. We have explored many ways to gather for prayer because we believe prayer is important. Jesus said that God works when his people pray.

Throughout the Bible we see crazy and amazing things happen when God’s people pray. Job spent most of his book defending himself against his friends. It was not until he stopped talking that God started to talk and when God was done, Job was humbled by the greatness and vastness of God. Abraham was moved from the place where he grew up to the place where God was going to make Israel a great nation. Abraham petitioned God to save his nephew Lot when God was going to torch Sodom and Gomorrah. Elijah called down fire on the prophets of Bail through prayer. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were saved from a furnace through prayer. The lion’s mouths were closed and did not eat Daniel because of prayer. Prayer stopped rain for three years and then prayer made the heavens open up. Prayer is crazy and amazing.

We see throughout the Bible that God works in and through his people using
prayer. It’s a tool that God has given us to tap into the power of the almighty God and a lot of times we only use this tool before meals and bed times. I know I am growing in my understanding and my use of prayer. God has really convicted me about this. Prayer is where we invite God to work in a situation. It is where we recognize we need him. It is where we surrender and ask God to please work.

This is why we want to be a church that is marked by prayer. We want to be
a praying church. That is why we are excited about the prayer time on January 16th. God has taken Elim on a journey using The Gathering. When we completed The Gathering and began the fall schedule a group of people committed to pray for what God desired to do with The Gathering.

We gathered in October for a time of eating, communion and prayer. When we were done we thought this was something we wanted to open up to everyone at Elim once we got past the holidays. So that is what is happening on January 16th. It will be a time of eating, communion and prayer for Elim. It will be a time where we invite God to do some crazy and amazing things in and through Elim.

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