What Is God Doing?

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By Larry Short, Elder Chair

A key challenge you and I frequently experience is the temptation to try and align God with what WE are doing. We pray, “God, I’d really like for such and such to happen or to do thus and thus. Can you please make that happen?”

But the truth is (and this is a key purpose of prayer), we will be blessed when we seek instead to align ourselves with what GOD is doing. Amen?

The purpose of this message is to highlight a few key things we as leaders feel God is doing at Elim right now and to encourage you to get fully on board!

Pandemic Rebuilding and Recovery

This week the state of Washington announced our in-service worship capacity can be doubled! This means we can have 106 people at any given event on our campus. Here are some details:

  • Face coverings and social distancing (6 feet) are still required. For those who still will not be able to join us, we will continue livestreaming so everyone can participate.
  • Moving forward we will (for the time being) continue having a single service, at 10 a.m. Enter through the front door (west side) and exit through the fellowship room entrance (north door).
  • We encourage you to come 10 or 15 minutes before service to greet new people and find a seat. If you want to hang out outside (weather permitting) afterward to fellowship, that’s fine, just keep the face coverings and social distancing going.
  • Registration is required. If you register but then can’t make it, please either go back on and unregister or contact Lori Cantu for help.
  • If you register and are told the service is full, you will be placed on a waiting list. However, you can still come on Sunday! Check with the usher at the front door. If the service is full, he or she can tap on a group of volunteers who have agreed to move out of the main sanctuary and take the service via livestream instead. We don’t want anyone to be turned away from worship!

Upcoming Special Events

This weekend, Bruce Martin, the Northwest District Superintendent for the Evangelical Free Church, will be with us to deliver a challenge. Don’t miss that! After he speaks, we will officially install (and pray over) Ryan as our next Lead Pastor!

(If you haven’t yet registered for this Palm Sunday service, don’t hesitate! It’s already over two-thirds full.)

The first service Ryan will lead is our Good Friday service, at 7:00 on April 2. A very special time is planned, so please register! (Also over two-thirds full, so don’t delay!)

Then his first Sunday worship service as our new pastor will be on Easter Sunday at 10:00 a.m.! Join us as this promises to be a wonderful time of celebrating Jesus’s resurrection and ascension.

A Highway in the Desert (Isaiah 40:1-5): Rebuilding the On-Ramps!

Do you realize that right now, we have more people requesting membership and more people volunteering to use their gifts and skills in ministry than during any time in recent memory? God is doing something special at Elim. If you are not yet a member but would like to consider it, please reach out to Lori Cantu for an application packet. And give me a call or send me an email if you’d like to talk about where you could plug into what God is doing here. Thank you!

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