A Search Team of One

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by Interim Pastor Steve McCoy

One of my special delights is to train pastoral search teams. As they embark on this journey, I share how searching for a ministry leader is a faith-filled, time-tested adventure.

As they prepare for the task, I take them to the classic story where Abraham sent his trusted servant, Eliezer, to search for a wife for his son, Isaac (Genesis 24).

This is what I call a “search team of one”!

Before launching out, Abraham gave Eliezer some search parameters: she had to be a distant relative, not a Canaanite (Genesis 24:3–4).

Our elders gave a number of parameters to the Pastoral Search Team to guide their search.

Oh yes, when Eliezer found the right prospect, she had to be willing to relocate: “If the woman is unwilling to come back with you, then you will be released from this oath of mine” (Genesis 24:8a).

This is a critical question for our search team as they interview prospective pastors: Are they willing to relocate to the Pacific Northwest?

Then when the “perfect” spouse was found she was given gifts—jewelry made of gold and silver, as well as clothing (Genesis 24:10a, 22b, 47b, 53).

When we host on-site visits with prospective pastor, we give gifts—transportation, lodging, meals, hospitality, honorarium, and goodbye gifts. He is our guest. We attempt to curry favor in a time-honored fashion.

Then lastly, and most importantly, the whole process was bathed in prayer. “Then he [Eliezer] prayed, ‘O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham’” (Genesis 24:12). The nation of Israel is a result of that answered prayer.

May God hear the prayers of Elim and answer with similar success!

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