2021: The Year of . . . ?

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Jeff Foerster

Will 2021 be a better year? That all depends. What do you think a “better year” means? Is that a year where things get back to “normal”? Where restaurants and movie theaters are fully opened for business and Sunday services remind you of a prior time? Does it mean a year of less stress and more comfortable circumstances?

Instead of directly answering the questions I just posed, I have three questions I’m asking myself that I’d like to share with you:

  • How has experiencing 2020 helped me to know and love God more deeply?
  • How has experiencing 2020 helped me to know the truth about myself more clearly?
  • How has experiencing 2020 made me a more compassionate and grace-filled person toward others?

What would it look like to focus our eyes and our hearts primarily upon Jesus and His priorities? How would we evaluate the year 2020, and what would we hope for in 2021?

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