What Is Happening with the Transition Team?

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by Pastor Steve McCoy

It has been over five months since I’ve come to serve here. The initial months were filled with interviewing some 124 people.

Starting in the fall, I began working with a 26-person Transition Team. We began by doing a number of analyses and assessments. Currently, we are working on drafting a mission statement. This is a brief, broad, biblical statement of what the church is supposed to be doing. You might call this it a biblical job description for the church. This is a very challenging exercise, but once it is done, it will really help the church to focus on what it needs to do.

A multi-month assignment for the Transition Team is to conduct interviews themselves. I’ve challenged each team member to interview three unchurched people. They have a one-page question sheet to help them connect and discover perceptions of the church.

On top of this, I have challenged each member to conduct three other interviews with school officials, government leaders, business leaders, community leaders, etc. They have another interview form to help them sniff out community needs.

The Transition Team will take about six months. If all goes well, we will finish up in February or March of 2020. After that, we will launch the Pastoral Search Team. The ultimate goal is to help our church find the next pastor.

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