Church Cardiology

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by Pastor Steve McCoy

Abdu Murray is a Christian speaker who works with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He speaks about Christianity on various college campuses.

At one major university, a member of the audience took the microphone during the Q and A time, posing an interesting question. He prefaced the question with his backstory: “I am a software engineer. Once we’ve designed the software, we test it for things that bug us about it. Not just glitches, but things about the software we personally don’t like. If you were to do the same test on the church, what would bug you about it?”

The audience nervously laughed as they eagerly awaited Abdu’s answer.

How would you answer that question?

What bugs you about the church?

What bugs you about our own church, Elim EFC?

What needs to be fixed? What needs to be left the same?

During August, I am going to give a sermon series called Church Cardiology: Strengthening the Heart of Our Church. We will be dialing down on Revelation 1–3.

In chapters 2–3, John the Apostle writes seven letters to seven churches throughout Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey. In these letters, Jesus attempts to debug seven church situations.

Interestingly enough, we find Jesus evaluating these seven churches. He addressed them as unique congregations with unique gifts, skills, contexts and opportunities. He doesn’t expect them to conform to a cookie-cutter template; His goal is to help them be the best church Jesus created them to be.

Jesus wants us to evaluate ourselves so we can be the best Elim can be.

Join us this August as we listen to the Chief Cardiologist debug our church.

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