Milestones and Memories

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by Steve Kearns

Quite often the last word is spiritual in context, but not this one. This one is a look back at the last twenty years at Elim. Why twenty years you may ask? That is because this month marks twenty years ago that the Lord brought Lorna and I to Elim. We left the church that we were both saved in (together by the way) and had called home for fifteen years. It is always hard to leave a church, especially the only one we ever really belonged to. But Elim made that transition a very healthy recovery for us.

The first month was quite special as Larry and Ginny Vrieze took us under their wings and really made us feel special. They even tricked us into buying one of their dogs which turned out to be one of the best if not the best pet we have ever had.

The church was here for us as we went through the loss of my father, my younger brother and then my mother. The people here mourned with us and were very supportive of us during these very difficult times.

We have seen many of our friends come and go due to career changes, going into ministry, going home to be with the Lord, or just following God’s leading them to a new church home. Missing them but knowing one day we will all be rejoined at a wonderful homecoming.

I have had the pleasure of serving in almost every area of ministry except the nursery. I may have filled in there once or twice. I have seen the children in this church grow up and become responsible adults. Some have gone on to do ministry themselves.

More recently it has been a joy for me to have served in Awana with my two oldest children. Through our Awana club our oldest granddaughter accepted Christ. Two of our grandchildren are currently in Elim’s Awana club.

One of the best things that have happened to me over the years is Martin. He has become quite a good friend as well as my Pastor. He is the only person other than our kids who could walk into our house and go straight for Lorna’s secret stash of chocolate help himself and get away with it.

Let’s see, Brian rates up there with Martin also. Having Brian (who is the same age as my youngest) as my accountability partner is well let’s just say a match only God would understand. He is an interesting friend to say the least. Both Pastors are such a blessing to me and Elim, and all the rest of you are so much a family that I look forward to the next twenty years here in God’s house called Elim. I know I am leaving out a whole boat load of memories and people who have made the last twenty years so enjoyable. But nobody wants to have to read a full length book. God Bless you all and I pray that each of you are building memories here at Elim also.

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