My Peace I Give You

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By Jeff Foerster

The secular symbol for peace is a broken upside down cross bound in a circle. Rather than spend valuable time investigating its origins, I’d rather consider the brokenness of the cross of Christ. This brokenness enables us entrance into God’s household and adoption into His family. The cross brings brokenness to our spirit and allows humility to reign in our hearts and upon the soil of our lives, producing a harvest of righteousness, of peace with God and of peace toward one another.

When salvation comes to a person, that person has seen themselves as they truly are—helpless to save themselves, broken from recognition of sin and inability to correct it, let alone to atone for what has already taken place.

When peace flows from a person, that person has seen others in the same light—helpless and in great need of forgiveness. Just as your Father has forgiven you, so forgive one another. Pity was taken on us, so extend the same. Simple, right?

It ain’t rocket science.

Quite frankly, rocket science is easier—or at least less costly. Launching projectiles is simple physics—perform this action get this result. You’ll need millions or possibly billions of dollars to break Earth’s gravitational pull. We can do this without divine intervention, by following laws set in place . . . by God . . . sustained by Him . . . ugh, there goes my illustration. Our dependence on Him is more pervasive than may appear to the eye. Being a person of peace requires relationship with God and frequent submission to Him, for unlike aeronautical engineering, the heart is in play.

Peace requires pursuits be in place.

First, seek the presence of God in prayer and remembrance historically and presently. Remember what God has done throughout history to reach out to mankind, loving him graciously. Presently recall what God has done in your own life and the lives of those around you—ask others to help you think on this as well. Why bring these to mind? Because it is necessary to be a recipient of peace before one can be a giver of peace. One has to genuinely possess something before it is offered to another. Otherwise, it looks a lot more like fraud. Fraud with “good” intentions.

Secondly, choose to focus on others, rather than yourself, as they face difficulties from within and difficulties from without. Choosing to see them in this light helps clear the fog of personal drama and desires, and it stokes the heart to love like Jesus.

These guidelines are just that: a guide to channel the working out of salvation, the Spirit of God in the believer. True peace cannot be manufactured by human will. Peace can only be shared from the abundance of it, granted from God.

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