Taking Time

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by Brian Waple

 For our 40th wedding anniversary, Cindy and I had the opportunity to take a cruise to Hawaii. Prior to arriving in Hawaii, we spent five days crossing the Pacific Ocean. During our crossing, I had a lot of time to think about God, the immense complexity of His creation, and how this affects my response to Him. The following are three reflections I wrote during those days on the water:

“I was reading a devotion by Henri Nouwen this morning in which he spoke of how all created things point to God. Waking up this first morning and seeing the waves, feeling the tossing of our ship, made me think of the disciples in the boat on the Sea of Galilee when the storm came up and tossed their little fishing boat around. Just like the disciples, seeing the waves creates a sense of helplessness and loss of control, and it reminds me how very small I am and how very little control I have in this very big world. Being able to see and feel the force of the water and understanding that God created the natural forces that cause these unrelenting waves makes me appreciate and respect God’s creation that much more.

“But, looking up and seeing the sunshine and blue sky and white clouds (which God also created) represents (in my mind) a peace (God’s peace) and calm to the contrast of the turmoil going on in the water below. The Pacific Ocean is vast, but it is only one of several oceans, and the sky above surrounds them all. The lesson for me in this situation is there is and will be unrelenting turmoil in this world and no degree of real control is vested in me, but I have assurance that God is in control, and like the sky above these raging waters, His peace surrounds and keeps me.

“It dawned on me this morning as we’re traveling to Maui that we are actually sailing through the Hawaiian Islands. I woke up and looked out our window and saw an island, which I assumed was where we were going. Cindy corrected me by saying that is just a smaller island that we are passing … Maui is still out in front of us. Sure enough, I went out on the veranda and there was Maui, looming in the near distance. But the smaller island, as well as another small island to the northwest, reminded me that we are threading our way through the Hawaiian island chain. And seeing these islands creates in me a sense of awe and reverence and, strangely enough, thankfulness that I’m able to witness this. I’m reminded of the presentation we saw of how this chain was created … how these volcanic islands rose up from the ocean floor many, many years ago. Thinking back to the first two chapters of Genesis reminds me that these islands were all created as part of God’s grand design for this planet. It also reminds me of the whole idea of the journey and the many blessings along the way being more important than the destination.”

It was on this cruise I realized it’s when I take a break from the routine, normal, predictable life and allow myself the luxury of simply resting in God’s presence that I’m privileged to see a glimpse of God’s ethereal majesty and beauty, which is all we get this side of heaven. I was also reminded to be thankful for the small blessings that come my way along the journey.

In what ways do you rest in His presence? How do you experience God’s majesty and beauty? And are you taking time to be thankful?

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