Hospitality 101

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by Jeff Foerster

Biblical hospitality is a posture and practice of being with people, friends and strangers, in ways where they feel welcomed, included, accepted, and cared for.

I like the idea of hospitality; I really do. I get a picture in my mind’s eye of my role as host, welcoming guests and providing food, activity, or both. I see conversation, smiles, maybe laughter, and generally an overall enjoyable time. I want to be seen as a good host—to be liked, respected.

But hospitality is more than an activity to serve my purposes; it emanates from the character of God Himself. When we engage in hospitality toward others, we make known a taste of the character of God Almighty. In it we offer cool water to parched lips, shade from scorching sun, relationship in a world of increasing isolation.

There is a desire within each of us to be known and, at that moment of intimacy, to be accepted, valued. Hospitality is an invitation and an opportunity to usher others into the presence of God through our demonstrated interest and kindness. We act as representatives of our Father, by His design.

I hope the following questions incite curiosity and continued conversation:

Have I been able to experience the hospitality of God?

What is the heart of hospitality?

What is it that prevents me from exhibiting hospitality? From desiring hospitality?

Where does one begin practicing hospitality?

What am I willing to sacrifice in order to make hospitality a priority?

More than anything else, I want to leave you with one nugget of understanding. Hospitality originates not in asking, “What would Jesus DO?” Rather, we ask, “How would Jesus BE?” This is not another task to pile onto an overcrowded plate. It begins with an attitude of submission to God and a heart developing to see the depth of need for others to be known and the depth of desire Jesus had, facing the cross, to bridge the gap between His Father and a hurting world.

May we pick up that torch that burned in His heart, putting to death the desires of the flesh, and may we take risks and make sacrifices to know others and make Him known!

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