My Last Word

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By Jim DeAngelo

Many of you know that Sandra and I are moving to Sahuarita, Arizona. Sahuarita is located just south of Tucson. My son-in-law and I will leave with the moving van and our cars on Wednesday, September 21. When there is a change like this in life, we tend to spend time reflecting on past events and future possibilities.

We have been profoundly blessed by our brothers and sisters at Elim. I can say that I have never been closer to God, happier, and more at peace and content as I am now. Having the privilege of serving the Body and working with those tasked with leading has been an experience I will always take with me.

So, you might ask, “Why move?” Sandra struggles with the effect of months of gray sky and wet and cold weather. We both feel much better physically in the warm and dry Arizona weather, so we are moving to dry out and lose the webs between our toes. I also know that God has called us there. I resisted at first and prayed for guidance. The Spirit showed me we were to make the move. So, moving it is.

The home we have purchased has an extra bedroom, so, if you are inclined, please visit. We will put you up for a time and enjoy catching up on the events at Elim. We will return each summer and have the joy of sharing our lives once again with you all.

My Last Word – Jim

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2 Replies to “My Last Word”

  1. Jim, it has been awesome getting to know you and partnering with you in ministry. We are so sad you are leaving Elim! But when it gets way too hot down south, you will always have a home here, and hope you will consider a guest room at the Shortsinwoods Bed ‘n Breakfast! (Only $2 / night to select visitors.)

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