Oaths and Vows

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By Jim DeAngelo

My prayer for Elim and all Christians is that we experience the freedom that comes from our Lord, Jesus Christ. I was able to share this Sunday just a few examples of how the spiritual laws of judgments, reaping and sowing, honoring parents, unforgiveness, and oaths and vows have impacted my life and the individuals I have had the privilege to share these truths with.

I found I was blind to many of the strongholds in my own life. I thank God that my wife, family, and others who are close to me recognized my difficulties and were brave enough to share them. I’m grateful that I prayed about them and was able to gain freedom through Christ. As a reminder, we must:

  • Recognize we have sinned against God’s laws,
  • Confess our failings,
  • Repent and turn from the sin that has enslaved us,
  • Forgive the person(s) we judged,
  • Accept God’s forgiveness,
  • Ask the Lord to fill our hearts where we have been controlling,
  • Ask the Lord to bless the other person(s), and
  • Where possible, work to bring restoration with the other individual.

I would encourage you to ask those close to you to give you courageous feedback and to prayerfully consider if and where you need freedom through Christ.


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