Not by Might, Nor by Power…

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By Larry Short

“So he [the angel] said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6)

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank Elim for allowing me to serve once more on the Elder Board. It’s a privilege and responsibility I don’t take lightly. And in the intervening several years I’ve been off, I’ve truly missed being a part of this group of men who love our church and are sold-out for Jesus!

Quite a few new folks have joined our ranks at Elim in the past few years, so I thought I’d take my “first” Last Word to introduce myself and my wife Darlene to those who may not know us yet. I’m a journalist/writer by education (Biola U is my alma mater and I spent the first decade or so after graduation in a freelance magazine and book writing career). But I also have a technology background, so after this I helped my employer (for the past 22 years), World Vision, to start and manage its internet, intranet, email, and social media programs. Currently I serve as a Digital Media Manager on the Public Engagement and Social Media team there in Federal Way.

Darlene is a Puyallup school nurse and we have two grown children, Nathan and Amanda. Nathan is a tech geek married to Zeiger schoolteacher Becky (Steve and Cheryl Weller’s oldest daughter), and Amanda is married to Mike Teeter. Together Mike and Mandy are raising our first granddaughter in Pennsylvania. (They met at and still work for REI.)

Darlene and I have loved Elim ever since we first set foot in it, 21 years ago. We’ve served in a variety of capacities but for the past 14 years have led a group of young adults called Pulse. Darlene also counts offering, and I play on the worship team and assist our communications team with our digital tools.

By way of hobbies, Darlene is a voracious reader and I love cycling and wild mushroom hunting, as well as writing. We also spend a lot of time flying, either to Pennsylvania or to Southern California to visit Darlene’s 96-year-old mom.

I introduced this post with Zechariah 4:6. It’s my life verse not because I’m good at doing what it says, but because I’m a very “Type A” person who has a tendency to push hard to try and get things done in my own power, rather than to rely on God’s Spirit. God has convicted me of these tendencies over the years, so a number of years ago I adopted Zech. 4:6 as my life’s verse to remind myself that the only truly good things that happen in my life come about not because of any skill, strength, or brilliance I might think I have; but rather, because of “Christ in me, the hope of glory.” Every day I want to ask Him to fill me with His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13) and to be in control of what happens.

We live this Christian life together, so I would ask you to help me rely more consistently on Jesus, in addition to praying this prayer yourself every morning: God, please grant us the gift of your Holy Spirit today, and work in each of us to accomplish Your purposes. Amen!


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