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By Dan Amos

I am thankful for my job. I even like my job, but it would consume me if I let it. I was issued a laptop computer and a smartphone, both of which are expected to be nearby or on me pretty much all the time. The job wears me out, and I know that if I sit down when I get home, the evening is over. I need other things in my life to pull me away, challenges that stretch me in other ways.

Ironically, one of my current challenges is generated by my employer. There’s a program across my company to count the steps taken in a day and to meet certain thresholds. What it has shown me is that I don’t get to move a lot. I knew that, but now it is quantified. So, Fran has been helping me, and we have been doing a lot of walking. I’ll come home from work and she’ll ask if I want to walk. I’ll respond, “Absolutely not, let’s go.” This has not only helped me get moving, but it also has been a great time for Fran and me to talk at the end of the day.

My family at Elim plays a life-expanding role as well. The Elder Board provides me an opportunity to serve. Community groups give me an opportunity to connect and process life with brothers and sisters. There are individuals that give me accountability and mentoring relationships. The most obvious and consistent role is every Sunday getting together with everyone at Elim and worshipping together. There we praise God in song, in prayer, in giving, and in the hearing of the Word.

This last Sunday we heard from Ernest, and he challenged me to read through the entire Bible. Fran and I have decided to do that together. Every day, the war against Christ’s kingdom grows, and the sword we’ve been given is the Bible. I need to wield that sword well.

The couch’s call is strong, but challenges keep me moving. Thank you, Elim, for your role in challenging me.

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