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by Jeff Foerster

What is this faith thing? We can’t see faith any more than we can see the wind. But like the wind, faith is a mover. Faith bears itself out in actions (James 2). We see the results of the wind, so too do we see the results of faith.

Brian spoke Sunday of extraordinary people. He spoke of people like the wind, who moved mountains because they acted based not on the circumstances they could see, but on the God they set their gaze upon. These people were extraordinary because they refused to yield to hopelessness, despair, or doubt. They were ordinary in and of themselves, but they recognized Him who is outside of the ordinary and placed their trust, their hope on Him.

Faith filters the visible world through the invisible God. Circumstances become means to an end (becoming ever closer with God), not ends in themselves. Hope is not born of “glass-half-full” theology. It does not come with strings attached and predetermined outcomes that must be met to keep it afloat. Faith comes from embracing a vision of the victory of the cross. Jesus shouted “It is finished!” Faith is remembering this: God has secured the victory; what can man (or the world, or the devil and his demons) do to me? (Psalm 56:11, 118:6)

Be sure, dark clouds will gather. Rain will drench and winds will buffet. Storms will test our foundation and movement will come. Fix your eyes upon Jesus and cling to the promises of God laid out for us in the Holy Scriptures. Refuse to follow the ways and priorities of the world which is perishing, but set your eyes upon Him and the victory He has secured.

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