Updating My OS

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By Dan Amos

This week my primary computer’s operating system (OS) will no longer be supported and updated. This makes it vulnerable to malicious attacks. Using it out in public, on the Internet, is dangerous and liable to cause failure. Fortunately, my personal OS is eternally guaranteed.

Like my computer, my personal OS is under constant threat of malicious attacks, but it has unbeatable defenses.

  • I have 24/7 support directly from the Manufacturer with zero wait time. Any time I want, I can access my Maker with any question, comment, request, and even complaint. And with real-time monitoring, He already knows my issues and unfailingly promises to be by my side—and He has a 100% perfect track record.
  • I have a user’s manual written specifically to teach me about relationship and interaction with my Maker. This manual, the Bible, is available on my computer, tablet, smart phone, and even in handy hard copies in multiple languages and translations. There’s really no excuse for not reading it every day.
  • All of this is complimentary, by grace. Support, documentation, and an eternal upgrade were all paid for at no cost to me.

In a week we will celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord. That payment covered all my faults and flaws, something I could never do on my own. It’s an all-inclusive, no-restrictions guarantee backed with the victorious words, HE IS RISEN!”

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