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By Dan Amos

The day after Christmas, with my sisters and our families, we moved my parents to a new home. It’s been a melancholy transition out of the house where I grew up and they lived for 40 years. Combing through a lifetime of things gives you a pretty good idea of a person’s priorities, and for me it was a clear picture of the legacy given to me and my sisters and passed on to the next generation.

My parents were never perfect, because none of us are, but they chose to love me and sacrifice for me. They didn’t have expensive things in their home. The things were functional and their function was to nurture a family and grow kids who came to love the Lord each on their own.

I think of my parents often now as Fran and I have transitioned to a home where our kids are gone most of the year. It is entirely different and takes me back to those first couple of years of our marriage, but with three “presences” missing.

It also makes me think of our church family’s recent anniversary. We are who we are today because, over 130 years ago, God brought together a handful of people who loved Him and sacrificed for His family. More recently, in the 1970’s, a similar handful of families chose a path of faith. They bought the property at the corner of 94th and 128th, then built some homes to sell and help fund the construction of our building. I’ve only had the privilege of meeting a few of those people. They have for the most part moved on or passed on. But, what a legacy they have left us!

When our district superintendent exhorted us to love God and love one another, we have to know this is more than a feeling: it is a demonstration of our heart. We choose and act in ways that demonstrate that love. We give our time, attention, skills and resources in those choices. By these things, people will see and future generations will benefit from our obedience to Jesus’ command.

If in God’s timing we are still here in another 50 or 100 years, I have no doubt my name will have passed from people’s memories. My hope is that we are building a legacy that brings honor to God’s name and many will know Him because of it. That will be our legacy.

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