The G.O.S.P.E.L. Plain and Simple

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by Chris Pace

I recently went on a retreat with our youth. It was claimed by the majority of those that went to be “The best retreat I’ve ever been on!” We were there for less than 24 hours, had less activities than some of the other retreats we’ve been to, and we were one of many other groups that came. Some may have assumed that it wasn’t worth it or that it was boring. However, for those that went, they got what they came for.

The point of the retreat was to give those that attended an experience and a feel for how to share Christ with others. They suggested a tool that they use that is similar to a wordless bracelet, W.W.J.D., or all the other tools people have used before.  They teach it as the G.O.S.P.E.L. approach:

God created us to be with him.

Our sins separated us from him.

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.

Paying the price for sin, Christ died and rose again.

Everyone who puts their trust in him alone has everlasting life.

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

The youth went not fully aware of what to expect. They left affected by the lessons and the worship. It brought them to a point of openness with each other, creating an even stronger bond and a deeper respect for each other. I, personally, was affected by every bit: The bonds that grew between them, and between me and them; the longing I saw in each student to find some way to express their faith to people in their lives they so desperately want to reach; the ‘Family Time’ when our group opened up and grew a deeper respect for the typically quiet students of our group, and a stronger bond with one another through moments of vulnerability; and through the worship.

During our last worship session they cleared the chairs, and had all the students against the chapel walls to represent the lost and all the leaders in the middle to represent the church. They told the students (the lost) that they were not to worship, but had to stand there and watch as the leaders (the church) worshiped, until two leaders (signifying the importance of going and spreading the gospel in pairs) came and prayed with them, allowing them to join the church in the middle. They asked us leaders beforehand to wait for two verses and a chorus before we left to pray with a student; that way they could understand how it felt. I couldn’t wait. I barely lasted a verse because it broke my heart to see those on the outside looking in. It made me think of all those I’ve missed my chance to share salvation with and all those we’re missing now. There are so many that may never come to know Christ as their own personal savior and Lord because so many of us, for one reason or another, don’t do what we were called to do, what we long to do: To share the amazing love that God so greatly longs for us to know; the love he blatantly showed on that blood-stained cross that once held his son.

So what is our responsibility? It is impossible for us to save others; otherwise there was no need for God’s sacrifice. We are only told to go and share the gospel. The Holy Spirit will take it from there.

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The Book

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by Stan Peterson

The written word and the living word are inseparable the two are one:

Rom. 4:13″ For the promise, that He should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect.”

The promise comes through the written word which was spoken by God and fulfilled in the living Word (Jesus). God’s promise/Word was fully realized/actualized in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, The Gospel. That is why Jesus says it is finished….. He is the culmination and fulfillment of the promise.

The just shall live by faith, faith in the life and work of Christ Jesus. God’s word, ‘what God said’ came to pass. The fullness of God’s name/reputation (for my name’s sake) came to pass as that which is TRUE in and through His Word which was spoken at Creation (for God said let there be light) to Creation (Adam and his descendants) and through Creation (the prophets and Apostles). God’s stamp of authentication of who He is (the Word) was declared by the Father John 1.18. The Father brought out fully (the Word) and set Him on display for the World and all of Creation to see. Christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.

John 1.14 states: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” God’s glory fully displayed in and through His Word! Jesus is perfect in His being and perfect in His doing/action. Jesus is the long awaited Christ, Jesus is the very Son of God revealed to us in the book. Thanks be to God!

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For purpose and fellowship

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by Jeff Foerster

The Father sent the Son (Jn. 3:17). Jesus sent the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit sends us (Acts 1:8). “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit …” (Matthew 28:19). “… you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).

This may at first sound like simple delegation. Upon taking a closer look I think we will see much more than that. God, who is Himself perfect and relationally complete, is inviting us into a deep intimacy of purpose and fellowship concerning His greatest desire for humanity: spreading the good news of restored relationship through Jesus Christ.

I am amazed that God includes us in His most important action item: communicating His love to each person. He does not keep this for Himself as the common phrase of prideful man recommends, “If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself.” Instead we each are given the privilege of being fellow workers with God (I Co 3:9).

Designed and formed in God’s image we are made to be relational beings. We are at our best when we follow the promptings of the Spirit. It is then that we are in participation, and fellowship with, the very God that exists in relationship within the Trinity.

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Two minutes on Hell

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by Dan Amos

Doctrine is not about religion; it is our core beliefs, and they are constantly under attack.  This is why Pastor Martin is beginning a series on doctrine this week. It is no surprise the doctrine of Hell is being challenged so strongly right now; it was one of the first doctrines Satan questioned when he offered the fruit to Eve and asserted, “You will not certainly die.” In reality, the truth says everything about how we view sin and its consequences.

Surveys show the majority of people believe in Heaven, about half their number believe in Hell, and only a few percentage believe they are destined for Hell. The truth is we are all sinners against a holy God. Even our “littlest” sin disqualified us from relationship with God and eternity in his kingdom. Additionally, it is so vile we must be punished for our sin in a literal, eternal, conscious Hell. Our rebellion does not want to accept that and so we deny hell, alter its reality only in our minds, and minimize our sin as of no consequence.

But it is real and it is terrible. It is so horrific that God, the creator of the universe, sent his Son from glory to live a sinless, perfect life on Earth ultimately breaking constant communion with himself (listen to Martin’s sermon on the Trinity this Sunday) as he bore our punishment for our sin on the cross. By believing in him we are adopted into his family and the wrath of God’s holy justice which we deserve is satisfied by Christ’s blood. Our belief must be founded on the truth which is the doctrine we will be taught once more over the course of this series.

If we ignore Hell, if we minimize our sin, there is nothing to be saved from, but the truth is we and everyone else who doesn’t know the truth are destined for Hell. It can’t get any more basic than that.

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Faith In Action, Saturday May 14th

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by Cal Kierum

An opportunity to serve the Lord together while serving others

Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Hebrews 10: 23-24   Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.   And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds

The Holistic Outreach Team is excited to present an opportunity for all who call Elim home to serve on Saturday May 14th.    We have scheduled several projects that you may join as we seek to let our light shine before all men.   Sign-up sheets are available in the rear of the sanctuary and there are detailed project descriptions there.

Here is what is happening:

Stan Peterson is leading a project to build a wood shed for one of the women in our church.

Bill Parsons is leading a project to build 3-drawer dressers that will be used by homeless people.   We anticipate having a couple of homeless men assisting us in this project.   This will happen at Elim.

Stacie Kierum is leading a project making “no-sew” fleece blankets for Care Net, the center who ministers to women with un-anticipated pregnancies.    This project will happen at Elim.

Paul McCracken is leading a project to help with yard work at a neighbor’s yard.

Cheryl Weller will be leading Discipleland Kids.   They will be doing a free car-wash and cookies.   This will happen at Elim.

Bob Walsh is leading a group to do weeding to help someone in our church who is unable to do this due to health issues.    This project does not have to happen on the 14th and could happen earlier if the team can do it.

As you can see, we have projects available for all ages and physical abilities.   You can check the Faith In Action bulletin board for project details, including what skills and tools or materials may be needed.   There may be other projects that become available so make sure to check the Faith In Action bulletin board and table in the rear of the sanctuary.

Also, if the Lord is calling on you to meet a need and you would like to organize a project, there are blank project forms both at the Faith In Action bulletin board and on our Elim website.   Please feel free to get a project going if you see a need, whether it be ministering to someone within Elim,  to your neighbors, to someone in our community, to one of our missionary families, or to any others who the Lord is calling you to serve.    If you see a need but do not feel qualified to lead it, please prayerfully consider who you could approach about leading.   The Holistic Outreach Team will try to equip and empower all who feel called to serve others in the name of our Lord.

The Holistic Outreach Team would like to see other projects developed for the rest of the summers so even if you cannot participate on May 14th, remember to check the Faith In Action bulletin board for future opportunities.

Let’s take every opportunity to go and serve in South Hill and beyond!

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Am I Wasting My Life?

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by Stan Peterson

I can so easily compartmentalize my life and separate it into nice, easy-to-manage little chunks.

I wake up early, spend time with my Lord, run off to work, come home, love my wifey and kids, eat dinner, do family devos, check the computer, send off a couple of e-mails, make a couple of phone calls, read from my book, then go to bed!!!!! I can do all these things, but without faith I am just a dead man walking.

I can go through the motions and say all the right things but on the inside be filled with bitterness, anger, criticism, and self pity. I might be passionless, without joy, without peace, without love … and BEARING NO FRUIT! I might be merely existing and not living out the life that God has intended me to live, the abundant life (John 10:10).

Life might be wasted because I did not seek the One who gave it to me, and failed to see and hear the Lord in the “little things of life” — because I was too busy. I might miss the beautiful sunrise stretching forth over Mt. Rainier, while working on the 27th floor of the Columbia Tower. I might miss being able to encourage a coworker as he tries to open up to me about his life. I could fail to see and meet the need of my beautiful wife when I come home and not make couch time (conversation time). I might walk right past my daughter, who is begging me to come swing her, as I take out the trash and do my duties around the yard.

But oh! how wonderful our God is when I am abiding in Christ. He gently prompts me to walk in the opposite spirit, so I miss less and less of the really important things in life. I am reminded of His mercies and grace, and of my ever-present need for them. I can access the wonderful power that is greater than the power of sin in my life. I experience His love for me and the payment He made, that I am His and He is mine. The Spirit and I work together and I am washed with His great and marvelous Word!

These powerful truths wash over me like a flood, and I am renewed by them and marked by them. The affections of my heart are made alive for my Lord. I am reminded that I am more than a conqueror, and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

May our hearts be made alive together in Him to His Glory.

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