Making Your Dreams Come True

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by Brian Sharpe

When I was in High School my wrestling coach had me set goals. I wrote them out and then put them on my dresser. When the season was done I looked at my goals and I had reached every goal but one. This is something I let slip away until last year when Tomina and I set some family goals. I am not sure we did that well at meeting the goals, but it was helpful. We are going to sit down next week when extended family is gone and set some goals.

The New Year is always a good time to evaluate where you are in life and set goals. At 33 am I where I wanted to be? I am not sure I can answer that question because I had nothing to measure it against until last year. That is why goals are so important. It helps us evaluate where we are. We can have dreams, but dreams will not come true unless we put things in place that will help us accomplish those dreams.

Tomina and I place our goals on a mirror in our room. Families should pick a place to put your goals so that way they are always in front of you. Parents this is a great way to help your kids understand the desire of your heart for your family and for them spiritually. The following are principles that Tomina and I are going to use to set our goals as a family.

Specific: Include details, numbers and time frames when setting goals. The more specific you can be the better.

Measurable: Ask yourself some questions after setting the goals. How will I know when I have met this goal? How often? How many? If you are able to answer these questions you have a measurable goal.

Attainable: The goal you set has to be able to be completed or it is not attainable. Focus your goals on what you can control, not on the things you cannot control.

Relevant: Don’t set a goal just to set them. The goals you have need to have a reason behind why they are a goal. Answer the question “why is this goal important.” If you cannot answer why it is important then the goal is not relevant.

Trackable: Each goal needs to have a time element to it so that you can track your progress in achieving your goals.

When Tomina and I set our goals last year we thought of areas we wanted to set goals in, but then I read a book that had a section on setting goals in it. So here is the list they have compiled.

Goal headings:

  • – Spiritual
  • – Financial
  • – Martial or Relational
  • – Familial
  • – Vocational
  • – Ministerial
  • – Physical
  • – Intellectual

I am looking forward to what God is going to do in your family and mine. I am looking forward to what God is going to do at Elim in 2011. God is at work. We need to be faithful to be who God has called us to be. One of the ways we can help ourselves is by setting goals.

Some of this content was taken from “Grow Minister Lead book 2” by Bill Allison

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