Celebrating Financial Faithfulness!

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Dear members and friends:

The Stewardship Team is committed to keeping you informed on a quarterly basis (or more often, if necessary) regarding Elim’s financial position. We are committed to transparency in times of scarcity and times of abundance. There is much to celebrate this year! Here is your update covering the first quarter (January through March) of 2018.

  • What is our year-to-date (YTD) budget (as of March 31)? – $83,823
  • What is our YTD giving to budget (as of March 31)? – $99,275
  • What are our YTD expenses (as of March 31)? – $76,970

What do these numbers mean?

  • We are $15,452 ahead of budget in terms of giving to budget! This is great news!
  • Our giving is $22,305 ahead of our expenses.
  • We are fully funding our Future Expansion Fund on a monthly basis.

What are our plans for the surplus in giving?

Since our mortgage was paid off in December 2013, we have been talking about the need to build another annex to house our growing children’s and youth ministries. We have been setting aside budgeted monies as well as surplus funds for the past five years to fund this need. As a result, we have approximately $70,000 set aside. The elders’ wish is to accelerate this plan and to contribute a large portion of our surplus to this need. We project that we will need approximately $250,000 to make these improvements. It is the Elder Board’s desire to meet this need in the next 12–18 months.

If you are able and willing to contribute to this critical need over and above your normal tithe, please do! All you have to do is designate your gift to the Future Expansion Fund.

Final Thoughts

The primary reason we give is because as followers of Jesus, we worship our Father, who is gracious and generous to all of us. One of the privileges He has given us is to be co-creators with Him in His Kingdom in this community. May this continue to motivate us to worship!

Do you have questions? Contact one of the Stewardship Team members: Dan Amos, Phil Pavey, Gregg Zimmerman, Willie Houze, or Martin Schlomer.


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