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Jeff Foerster

Hazard! Warning! Attention! These words demand a response. So, too, does the present moment demand a response. Some have begun by giving in to fear—engaging in panic buying (or selling) and similar activity. But this is not the way of Jesus.

This time is a gift. By way of governmental authority, we have been given a “time-out.” However, many of our service workers, especially health care professionals, are working overtime in an environment of exposure. These are our “soldiers” in this fight on the front lines, risking themselves to protect many. They and their families need our support, including prayer.

For the rest of us, we’ve been enlisted to participate by not participating. We’ve been asked to stay home. Restaurants are closed for dining, movie theaters and sports arenas are shuttered, and travel has been inhibited. Some of us are more vulnerable and have isolated from nearly all physical social contact to avoid infection. For most, this leads to more time at home. What to do?

You may have read an article or watched a video describing options to pass the time away. “Stay busy,” they say. Tackle your to-do list, binge watch a whole season, try out a new recipe, give in to anxiety. Okay, so I added last one. Instead, I’d like to offer you a couple of different options:

  • Look out!
  • Do nothing.

Look out for the needs of others. Pray for our nation and our leaders in each area and level of government. They need God’s help. They need His salvation. Also, find others to connect with digitally or virtually, by web or by phone. Use this time even as an excuse to call someone that you haven’t before. Be proactive in asking what needs others have, and seek to be generous. Look for opportunity outside our church body as well. Share what you find with others and remember that your words and actions contain power. Watch diligently for opportunity and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

Do nothing. Snatch time from the thief that says, “Stay busy.” Don’t give in to the temptation of passing your time away or filling it with second-best things. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). The translation I linked says, “cease striving.” Stop. Turn as an individual, or as a family, to our Everlasting Father. Sit in silence, pray, read Scripture, sing, walk, and talk. Ask Him what work He is doing within you as you experience this situation. Cast all your fear upon Him, because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Shower Him with praise and adoration, as He rightly deserves. Laugh with Him. Cry with Him. Talk with Him. Wonder with Him. Enjoy Him, right now and forever!

Don’t miss this historic opportunity—this time when God can be seen and experienced with greater clarity because many things such as money and security and routine have been stripped away. A vacuum is created, and I don’t wish for you to fill it just for it to be filled. Don’t long or settle for “blessings” from the Master’s table and neglect the Master himself. This is a time to enter into joy and thanksgiving because of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ! He is the same yesterday, and today, and forevermore. Hallelujah!

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Lost and Found

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By Gordy and Linda McCoy

We found a Nook. Not a pacifier Nook (“Nuk”) but the e-reader Nook. It was lying on the side of the highway on our way from Cannon Beach. We had never used one before and I was checking it out to find owner information. I found an email address and we were going to contact her when we had internet access so we could arrange to give it back.

But there was a problem. The nook was filled with “yucky” things. Yucky books. Lots of yucky, icky books. We had just had this wonderful time at Cannon Beach and now we had this evil influence in our car. So, I found the setting on the nook to reset it back to factory settings and I pushed it. But, I didn’t realize it also would delete the owners’ info. So now I had no way to contact her. And even if I could, I would have some explaining to do because I deleted all of her books. They probably cost her quite a bit. She was the owner of the nook and she had every right to put on it whatever she wanted. I was judging her for what I saw. God alone is her judge. We accidentally invaded this woman’s privacy. We tried to do a “good thing” and find out more about her so we could return it to her. How do I get myself in these situations???

So now we had a Nook. When I got home I loaded it up with the WORD, Max Lucado books, inspirational Christian music, fun games to play, family pictures … and then GOD gave me an analogy. I feel this is the reason we found the Nook.

God gives us free will. It is our choice what we fill our minds with, like the Nook. We can watch movies or read books that can cloud our judgments. Our “free” time can cost us greatly. HE sees everything we fill our minds with. I am reminded that, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is praiseworthy—think about such things.”  (Philippians 4:8)

And I am also reminded that just like pushing the reset button on the nook, wiping it clean, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Knowing that God has total access to all of my thoughts, let alone all of the things I choose to do, can be a scary thought. But it is also a safety net. If I filter my life through His perspective, it is healthy in every way for me. But if I chose the world’s way, I get in trouble.

I need to remember I once was lost … and I didn’t even realize it. And then I got a glimpse of His love for me and recognized the ugliness of my sin. I was full of the “yuckiness” of this polluted world. I found Him. He washed my sins away and “reset” me back to His intended purpose. The One that gave me life, gave His life to do this. Not just push a button. I am so thankful ….

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