Premeditated Love

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By Jeff Foerster

Roses. Red roses. Long-stemmed, red roses. Dinner prepared just so. A stuffed bear. A heart-shaped box fragrant with chocolates. Discovered notes left carefully, quietly by smile’s light. Cards and poems breathing those three little words and hope written on tiny candy hearts.

“What will she think?” and, “Will he like it?” and, “I can’t wait to see her reaction!” We plan and we prepare. We wait with anticipation for the moment’s hour to arrive.

I wonder. Why do we give gifts and why does it feel good to do so? Then I remember the Giver. I remember fields and slopes of mountains sprinkled with flowers. I remember skyscapes painted across the dawn and fading into the dusk. I think of the rich smell of green each spring and the last note of that song which never stops its singing. I remember the touch of cool ocean air and the warm embrace of the sun. The first sight of snowflakes dancing on their descent toward the ground. I’m reminded of the smell of good, tilled earth and the knowledge that from it comes endless varieties to tantalize the tongue and fill the belly.

Then, I remember.

With a whisper and a SHOUT! Spanning thirty-three years and two millennia, the Father gave us an unspeakable gift — Himself. Who could imagine such a thing? Who could dare to ask it? Yet from eternity past was this gift planned and prepared. Love letters were carefully crafted and placed for us to read, at just the right time. We were told in advance, that man should anticipate the day. We are told of the past that we might cherish each word, yearning to be with the One who truly completes us, our soul’s mate.

– Happy Valentine’s Day!

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