Going with Church

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by Jeff Foerster

How many times did you go with church last week, last month?

“Oh, I go to church usually once a week, sometimes twice. And, by the way, you made a grammatical mistake in that question you asked.”

Actually, I didn’t. We go with church when we cross the street to visit a neighbor. We go with church when we share barbecue with a believing friend at Po-Boy on Meridian. We go with church when we interact with local librarians, store employees, police officers, and DMV workers. We go with church when engaging with homeless folks. We go with church when visiting those in the hospital. We go with church when we go out into the world. We go out into the world when we do so with purpose, from a position as God’s fellow workers by grace through Jesus Christ. We do so with purpose when our desire is to share the love Christ has given us with others in our community, with current believers, and especially with those who don’t yet know Jesus.

Is this some sloppy or ethereal notion of “church” I am foisting upon you? In ancient Israel, God revealed Himself in the Holy of Holies, in the inner part of the Temple, to one person, on one day each year, and that only after a great amount of purifying ritual was performed. In our present age, we are given access to God through Christ Jesus. And more than that, each follower of Jesus has been given the Holy Spirit to dwell within them, 24/7 and 365 days a year—constant access. We are each members of the body of Christ, the Church, and where we go, He goes with us; God dwells in His church.

Going out, we bring the church to the world. We bring freedom to those in slavery. We bring light to those living in darkness. We bring the very presence of God to dwell alongside those without hope in this world. We are to be on mission—every one of us.

But we can go into the world choosing to clothe ourselves so as not to be seen. We can avoid scrutiny by blending in and valuing an average American lifestyle of comfort and selfish preoccupation. But that is not who followers of Christ are. As Brian Sharpe reminded us this last Sunday, we are lights made to shine ever more brightly in a world growing dim.

Going anywhere with church this week?

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