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By Brian Waple

Normally, I try to write these articles in a way that is encouraging to others.  My desire in what I write is to take the challenges we face as a body…challenges that seem to hijack our focus away from God and redirect that focus back towards God and the loving grace and mercy He has for His people and this church.  During normal times I feel I can write with a clear sense of God’s purpose, and this has helped me find a peace, which I trust brings peace to the reader as well.

But as we all know these are not normal times.  There are a lot of hard, unprecedented things going on right now and I have a difficult time seeing where God is working in the midst of it all.  As a believer, I know that God is in control of all things, but it’s become difficult for me to understand exactly where He is in the day to day.  It’s sad to see what these events are doing to our country.  And as an Elder, it’s become increasingly disheartening to see what these events have done to our Elim community.  As things have unfolded, I fear we are becoming more and more divided…polarized.  And this polarization is not so much a result of the events of the day (it’s expected that we would all have our individual views about what’s happening in this country and how we should respond), but in how we use our views to criticize, judge and marginalize others. 

In the midst of all these polarizing views and divisive stands, I have been asking, “God, what are you doing?  What are you revealing to me, to your church?”  I wonder if, during this time of uncertainty, God could be using these situations to reveal who I am and where my heart, and the hearts of His Body the church, truly are.  I don’t think this is a question of salvation, but more about how I am living life as a follower of Jesus.  Is it pretty?  Not always.  If I’m courageous enough to look, God is showing me more and more how judgemental I can really be.  As long as I have a simpatico relationship with someone, it’s pretty easy to hear them.  But, if I sense resistence or criticism or a difference in what I believe, I attribute something wrong with them and it takes a lot more energy and willingness to be open to hearing them and seeing any truth to what they have to say.  This type of judgement is detrimental individually and as a community, and the judgement we are warned against in Matthew, for as we read, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1, NLT)

Therefore, my desire is to be less judgemental.  But, being less judgemental and more open to others takes effort and is not something that feels natural to me.  Plus, as a person who likes control, this is all very conflicting.  How can I do it?  Well, there’s the rub…something else He is revealing to me is that I can’t change in my own power.  As Paul says, “I have discovered this principle of life – that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.” (Romans 7:21, NLT)  As hard as I may try this is largely a transformation of the heart, not the mind.  In the end, I realize I can only be obedient by placing all of this before Him in prayer.

As I said in the beginning these are not normal times, and during this period it’s hard to see where God is working.  But, perhaps we need to shift our focus.  I heard a line from a pastor recently that really impressed me: “God is revealed in the conflicted moments, not just in the resolution.”  We find ourselves living in many conflicted moments.  What is being revealed there for you?

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