Enduring Patiently

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By Kendrick Gilli

“Since you have kept my command to endure patiently . . .” (Rev. 3:10)

                Do you remember these words from Pastor Brian’s message this last week? They really seemed to resound with me.

So how do we endure patiently? This life that we live here on earth is full of trials and tribulations, most of our own making, but how do we endure these things patiently? It is an ever-present struggle for us, and I am no exception. Some are small and happen to us and then fade away, but the larger trials may take days or months or even years, and they are ever present in our memories.

                Janna and I are just coming out of one of those long periods—almost two years. I have to admit that at times, I did become depressed for a little bit, but always Jesus was with us. He reminded me of all the times in my past when He had used trials to teach me something (there were a lot of those times) and showed me how I came out of them stronger than when I went in. It was these memories that helped me endure and helped me lead Janna and the rest of the family to endure, very patiently, and eventually turned this endurance to complete joy.

“See, I have placed before you an open door, that no one can shut.” (Rev. 3:8)

                No matter what happens in our lives, God has the door open. He is ready for us to walk through, but we are too often wallowing in the lies that Satan tells us. How often have you been depressed about your circumstances? Why? The Lord is always there, waiting for you to walk through that door that He has opened. Look back on your life! He has always brought you out of the valleys. Remove the veil of lies from Satan and see clearly the door that is open.

                This is not to say that trials will automatically disappear. Instead, when you see that light from the open door, you are able to endure those other trials and learn what God is trying to teach you. At this point, you are ready to be joyful, even while going through your trials. It is in these times that other people marvel at how you are handling the situation and how joyful you are, when, to the world, you should be sad and wallowing in self-pity. Blah!

                This is not Heaven. We will have trials and tribulations! The question is, How are we going to deal with these? Remember, “What He opens no one can shut” (Rev. 3:7).

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Thinking through Contentment

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By Jeff Foerster

The Sunday before last Pastor Martin spoke to us from Philippians 4 concerning contentment.  I don’t believe it to be a controversial subject, as I have never heard anyone utter, “Contentment, that’s not for me!” Still, those who obviously possess it are harder than not to find. I myself would not proclaim to be a bastion of contentment. I do however have a few thoughts that may help us seek it out.

Contentment requires the following:

Humility — That is, submission to God’s purpose(s). We must be in agreement with the mind of God as He has revealed it to us in His Holy Scriptures. The “greatest commandments” sum this up for us by telling us to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbor like ourselves (Mt. 22:36-40; Mk. 12:28-31; Lk. 10:26-28).

Focused striving — This takes place not simply in any desired direction we choose, but requires our submission to God’s desires first (see above, “Humility”). By keeping God first, our efforts and work can take many pleasant and beneficial directions. If He is truly first, when our course is changed we will not be easily rattled as our foundation remains constant in Christ.

Evaluation of circumstances — If you find yourself discontent with your circumstances, I invite you to ask the question, “Is this a direct result of disobedience to God?” If your answer is “Yes,” don’t be content. Through repentance, seek forgiveness and change. If you answered “No,” see “Humility” above.

Patience — It takes time. Don’t beat yourself up if you have been seeking contentment all afternoon, but it seems nowhere in sight. Paul told us that he learned to be content (Phil. 4:11-13). This great man of the Lord was not born with it, nor did he find it an instant gifting, but rather he went through a process to claim ownership of it.

Persistence — Fight the good fight and run the race. Seek after contentment in this life.  God does not tease us with things unattainable. I am convinced He wants all those who call Him Lord to taste of this.

Adoration — God’s magnificent power. God’s merciful sacrifice. God’s unbounded love. Consider these and much more. Ponder His great acts in Scripture and in your life and the lives of others. Spending time on and with God moves our mind, our focus, and our hearts towards contentment. No other circumstance or person can accomplish this. We were created by the Father to be perfected in the Son. Only by lingering here will true rest and contentment be found.

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