We Need Each Other

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By Larry Short

“May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains. On the contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me. May the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on that day! You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus.” (2 Timothy 1:16-18)

Last week Brian Waple spoke of how important prayerful dependence on the Lord is when things don’t go quite as we hope and expect. This was a timely word for Darlene and me, as we were traveling 2,500 miles east in our RV and had just experienced some serious technical challenges.

First came some troubling computer errors. We were zipping down the highway doing 80 in that big rig (the speed limit in South Dakota), passing a Mack truck doing 75 or so, when we hit a major wind gust. The engine suddenly cut out and all sorts of audio and visual alarms began to ring and flash. With traffic zipping angrily around us, we were finally able to pull to the shoulder. To make a long story short, one tire was quickly losing air, and both front tires were wearing unevenly. We replaced them in Indianapolis and got back on the road.

We were almost into Pennsylvania when the next big challenge arrived. Our RV is diesel, and all throughout the nation I’d been looking for those green-handled diesel pumps when I filled up. I pulled into a BP which said it had diesel for $2.25/gallon. I found a green-handled pump with that price on it and began filling up.

Suddenly I realized the pump I was pumping out of wasn’t diesel—it was regular fuel! I stopped immediately, but not until four gallons of regular fuel had been placed into my diesel tank.

Chagrined and embarrassed, Darlene and I discussed and prayed about what we should do. It was a weekend and finding a diesel mechanic in that small town would be next to impossible.

“Why don’t you call Brian Holthe?” she said.

Great idea! Brian used to attend Elim, and I have grown to trust him implicitly. Brian’s shop, Genesis Automotive, had been providing good service to our RV for several years. But the shop was closed, and I did not have Brian’s cell phone number.

My wife is always full of good ideas in challenges such as this. “Try Martin,” she said. “He will know how to get a hold of Brian.”

I called Martin, praying he would pick up—and he did. He provided Brian’s number and encouraged me NOT to start the engine. (He said he had once been in the reverse situation—accidentally putting diesel into his regular-fuel motorcycle engine—and Brian had been invaluable. I was encouraged, and I also didn’t feel as dumb as I had a few minutes earlier!)

Brian answered his mobile, and Martin was right, he was very helpful and gave me great advice. He provided the name of a diesel additive that would help, and suggested I fill the tank with as much diesel as possible to minimize the ratio of regular to diesel fuel in the tank. With luck, watching my engine temperature and listening carefully for any problems, he thought I’d probably be okay. (He said he would normally advise the tank be emptied on the spot, but that wasn’t possible in our situation.)

His advice was spot on. I hiked a mile to an auto parts shop that sold me the additive, then I added it and topped the tank with diesel. We then drove carefully the three hours to our daughter’s home in Pennsylvania, with no further problems.

Prayer is very important under such difficult circumstances. But we also found great help in fellow brothers in Christ who were willing to drop what they were doing to help us through a tight spot. I’m not sure what I would have done without them.

It strikes me that even the Apostle Paul leaned heavily on his brothers and sisters in Christ as he conducted his difficult ministry. In stressful times like these, it is more important than ever before to have brothers and sisters in Christ we trust to help us when we are in trouble.

And it’s also critically important that we ourselves be available to help others who need us!

Are you seeking to connect with and depend on other brothers and sisters in Christ, here at Elim and elsewhere, to be there when you need them to? As Brian suggested last week, take your challenges first to the Lord, but then listen carefully as He directs you toward people who can help you run the race with confidence and strength.

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