What Hinders

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by Brian Waple

Growing up, I was never really good at playing basketball. Watching others play, the game seemed so easy and straightforward: dribble the ball down to one end of the court while making your way past the opposing players, then find someone open to pass to or shoot for the basket. It wasn’t the dribbling or the passing or even the opposing team that was hard for me. I just couldn’t shoot straight. Regardless of how many times I practiced (with other guys or alone), I wasn’t able to throw a straight shot. I still can’t. As much as I wanted to, something kept hindering me.

When we talk about the things that hinder us, sometimes (as in my case) it simply boils down to the lack of physical ability (as it turned out, I was much better at tennis). But sometimes it’s things that we struggle with every day in our lives and for whatever reason we can’t seem to overcome. Paul addresses this in his letter to the Romans, when he says, “And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it” (Romans 7:18-20, NLT).

Pastor Brian’s message on Sunday really struck me. When he was talking about what hinders us from sharing the message that God has given us, there were a number of hindrances he spoke about, but one really poked me in the eye: busyness. I am always letting busyness (busy with work, busy with home, busy with family, busy with church) get in the way of spending time with God and others, building relationships, and living the life God has created me for. I allow the busyness to control me.

As I said earlier, sometimes we struggle with things that we just can’t seem to overcome. Many times, this is the sin nature Paul speaks about living through us and controlling us. But, God is calling us to give those burdens over to Him, and He will provide a means for us to see past the hindrances and live the life he has called us to. If we are willing to engage with God and acknowledge those hindrances, He will show us the way to let go of what holds us back. Then, we are free to share the message that God wants the world to hear.

So, I ask that you join me in naming those things that hinder you. Give them over to God. And discover the freedom that awaits you.

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