God’s Perfect Plan Can Be Stressful

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by Kendrick and Janna Gilli

Change is hard, and goodbyes can be even harder. Over the past six months, we grieved as we said goodbye to the Schlomers, then Cheryl retired . . . and now Brian and Tomina are moving to Colorado. To an outsider or a non-Christian, it might seem as if our church is in trouble. However, for those of us left at Elim, we can be assured of something very different, because our God is in the business of change. In fact, he is right in the middle of it.  In Jeremiah 29:11, God promises us that He has a good plan for our future, a plan to prosper us. He uses change, grief, hardship, and sorrow to refine and mold us into the people He wants us to be. And He is definitely working at Elim.

As I reflect on a certain loud-mouthed, rather brash New Yorker who came into Janna’s and my life over 20 years ago, I am reminded of that. In fact, as Brian’s brother-in-law, I have had a front-row seat to witness the astounding ways God has changed Brian through Elim and Elim through Brian. When Brian came to Elim, he was little more than 20, young and inexperienced and often immature. He often said things before thinking and rubbed some people the wrong way. However, we watched God begin to change Brian, to give him wisdom and to humble him. Over the years, he learned to listen more before speaking, to forgive more, and to judge less. He has become a man whom I respect and admire and one who has had an incredible impact on our congregation, particularly our youth.

God knew that Elim needed Brian when he came to us almost 18 years ago. We needed someone who would change the youth program and train up leaders. And Brian is so, so good at that. He has raised youth into leaders who in time became adult leaders and continue to pour into the youth at Elim. In fact, Brian has passed on his heart for the Lord so well, that we know that the youth program will be fine when he leaves. The legacy that he is leaving is incredible and will not soon be forgotten.

Just as God has a perfect plan for Elim, he has a perfect plan for all of his people. As Brian was changed and molded during his time with us, he was being prepared for a certain church in Colorado Springs. It is so hard to see him go, but I am also so joyful and proud of Brian. It is so good to see God working and carrying out his plan and it gives me such hope for the changes coming to Elim.

And change IS coming to Elim—but it doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming. If we remember that God is in the business of change and that He has a good and perfect plan for us, change can actually be quite exciting. What is God going to do at Elim next?

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