Astonishing Generosity

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Jeff Foerster

Think about your life and the words astonishing generosity. Does this describe you? If someone who knew you well spoke of you in this way, how would you feel?

I will say that, for me, pairing those words fits like a square peg in a round hole. When I give, it’s a bit like separating Velcro straps—it can be done, but it’s only gonna take place with a little purposeful force carefully applied. I’ve got all sorts of mixed motivations when I give and I’m aware of quite a few of them. It’s kind of a mess.

How about you? Ever easily receive, or even look forward to, the thanks or other appreciation shown to your act of giving? What does your internal dialogue tell you as you prepare to give? I certainly don’t know your answers and even some of my own remain shrouded.

While recounting one’s acts of generosity is a bit like talking about one’s grand accomplishments in humility, it may be helpful to do some quiet reflection. If I have any understanding of this Christian-walk thing, I think it means, in part, living in such a way that the needs of others are a priority to me.

I believe giving takes practice, an effort of will, and a shift of heart. It means really trusting that the resources I have access to (primarily stuff and time) don’t belong to me, but rather have been placed in my care, and I’ve been invited into stewardship over them. Even more than that, generosity is birthed in a growing heart of compassion for others.

My focus and prayer this week are that God would show me the reality of my own heart and give me opportunity to practice generosity. Join me in this journey?

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