Choosing God Over Money

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By Jeff Foerster

“Do you trust Me?”

Yes. Of course, Lord.

“How much do you trust Me?

This second question is trickier to answer than the first. It requires some level of self-examination and knowledge of what it means to trust. It also leads toward demonstration of that trust. I demonstrate trust in a pilot by becoming a passenger on the airplane. I demonstrate trust in a chef by eating the food prepared. To deny the ride or the food would betray a heart of distrust.

God reveals Himself to be our Father. This means He is our loving parent. He parents perfectly and has unlimited wisdom, patience untainted by sin, and the ability to renovate life’s difficulties and discouragement into triumphs and transformation as seen through eyes of faith.

You tell me, who is the better father: the one who gives toys to show he loves his children and just can’t bear to say no or the father who holds a child who cries with heartache, who provides boundaries and routines, who disciplines when it’s easier to give in, who carefully teaches the ways of the Lord by word and in action, and who plans and prioritizes for his child’s growth and good?

Our God is the latter kind of parent. Do you believe that? Do you trust that He is who He says He is? You may find glimpses or reflections of God in people here, but ultimately you’ll need to choose to exercise faith beyond what you can see with earthly eyes.

Don’t settle for a “Disneyland Dad” who requires little of you and lavishes sensual pleasures. Forget the prayer cloths being hocked on TV by Pastor Whosee Toosits. Give up the desire to be “loved” by being spoiled with everything working your way (not for your good, but for your way). It’s not about airline seat upgrades or being “blessed” by finding the shortest line in the supermarket. Yes, toddlers are impressed by these things for a moment—but try parenting on this platform and you’re going to see a lot of “What have you done for me lately?” attitude in place of appreciation and affection. Instead, desire and pursue intimacy with the God and Father who is your perfect provider. Lean on Him to provide all that you need to accomplish all His perfect plans in you.

Building a relationship with God is not about Him “proving” Himself by “parenting” Himself out of the picture. Don’t expect God to build large retirement accounts for you and trust funds (pun intended) for your children. Expect God to draw you near to Him through the changing of life’s circumstances. He commands us to take up our cross daily, not to take the path of least resistance (like spilled water, flowing toward the sea).

Ultimately trust, or faith, results in action, steps taken demonstrating the trust is genuine. Is faith in God just a nice idea, a transaction that you think you completed when you were “saved?” What step of faith with regard to money are you going to take next? What genuine faith resides in you?

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Let’s take a risk … so please read

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by Martin Schlomer

Have you ever sensed God leading you to break out of your comfort zone, to take a risk that might make you feel a little uncomfortable? I have had the growing sense for the past month that God would have us, as a church, take such a risk.

As you know, Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. A few weeks ago, I ran an idea by the Elders and the Stewardship Team that felt uncomfortable and risky. Out of this idea came the following proposal to the Elder Board: We would take the Christmas offering as usual; however, half of it would go to meet the regular (budgeted) needs of the Body, and the other half would go to meet the special (unbudgeted) benevolence needs of Christ’s Body at Elim.

You may ask, “Why does this feel risky?” Elim has experienced incredible growth this past year. This has stretched our budget and financial resources. While everyone has pulled together and we have not only met the budget but have also exceeded it, expenses have also kept pace with the income and thus exceeded the budget as well.

While our financial position is decent, our needs will continue to grow in the new year. Yet despite these needs, the Elders passed this proposal unanimously.

The Christmas season is always a time to celebrate God’s lavish sacrifice to meet our enormous need, by sending and sacrificing His Son! Experiencing His gift must surely move our hearts to become like the heart of the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44.

I can’t think of a better way of celebrating God’s gift and sacrifice than by being generous toward others! As you prepare for this special Sunday, please ask our Father what He would have you give, and come ready to celebrate what God is doing in our midst!

God’s richest blessings to you in this holy season …

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Black Friday and the budget

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by Dan Amos

On Thanksgiving night the attention for many turned to the Black Friday sales. I looked through the ads and saw lots of bright, shiny things I would like to have, but prudence reminded me I can’t spend what I don’t have.

Prudence also guided development of Elim’s 2012 budget which we will vote on this Sunday. We serve the infinite God who has every resource at his command. He has the entirety of creation under his personal attention and care. That is, He sees both the forest and the trees; he sees the big picture yet is active in the tiniest detail. But in this life, He has chosen for us to serve him in more focused and resource-limited ways.

The Elder Board, Staff, Ministry Directors and Stewardship Team each year go through an exercise balancing faith and wise stewardship of the resources we expect to have available to further the ministry of the Church through the local body at Elim. A lot of people have spent a lot of time in preparation, prayer, and discernment of the strategic direction of Elim and this is reflected in the budget. This is most evident in the Holistic Outreach part of the budget. The entirety of projected spending to spread the Gospel of Christ in word and deed won’t be found in just one designated section. Our commitment to discipleship is found in every section, such as AWANA in Children’s Ministries, MOPS in Adult Ministries, and significantly in personnel with the addition of an internship for Holistic Outreach.

Previously we had contracted out leadership of local compassion ministries (through support to Bill Bowers) but our involvement has grown beyond that level. We need someone who can devote regular, concentrated time to directing and leading Elim’s people in spreading the Good News to South Hill and beyond. We expect to propose for 2013 for the internship to be expanded to a full-time staff position. This will continue the expansion of our efforts to involve everyone in the Great Commission.

These are bold plans, but the message is life to those who don’t have it.

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