The Downside’s Upside

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By Jeff Foerster

Trouble in the news. Trouble in relationships. Trouble with work. Trouble with finances.  Trouble with bodies. Trouble with motivation. Trouble with the past. Trouble with the future. Trouble with ignorance. Trouble with vision. Trouble with planning. Trouble with sin. Trouble with a side order of trouble.

Looking left and looking right, there seems to be no end to the variety of troubles, nor to the manner in which they enter our lives. Truth be told, I could identify a number of these examples myself as unwelcome strays which linger near my door because I have fed them in the (sometimes recent) past.

Trouble, however, is not all bad news. Sure, it can cloud my mind and my vision. It can speak to me things untrue and, if allowed, manipulate my understanding of reality. It can make my present circumstances seem more important or overwhelming than they need be.

Yet there is no better place than down, no better position than low from which to gaze upward.  Upward is where a heart once emptied can be filled to the full. Upward is where hope pierces the veil of cloud to reveal starry night. Upward is where my life takes meaning and the mundane task bears significance. Upward is praying for those in positions of authority. Upward is submission. Upward is fighting for those without voice or power. Upward is a kind word to someone I don’t particularly like. Upward is giving when receiving seems a better idea. Upward is taking one step not knowing where the next footfall will land. Upward is repentance. Upward is forgiveness — both outward and inward. Upward is knowledge of God. Upward is seeing Jesus seated in Heaven. Upward is victory already won.

Looking around we will surely find trouble. Looking upward we will surely find Jesus. Fix your eyes upon the One who loves you with a love never known before and still not fully understood. Fix your heart on the hope that headlines can’t write. (Colossians 3)

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