I’m so grateful to God and how He provides for us, not only for our physical needs, but for our emotional needs as well. I didn’t know I needed a sabbatical, but He knew. I didn’t know I needed time for my family and my dear friend, but He knew. I didn’t know what to expect from the time off, but He knew.
So many times we feel like we need to know “Why?” before we step out, or before we go forward, or before we change. I’m thankful for the Elders and my family here at Elim for graciously giving me the time off recently. Let me share with you what God showed me during that time.
While on my sabbatical, Martin and the Elders challenged me to look at what I really wanted do in the next three to five years, and what that would look like for me as Children’s Director. I was able to meet with Steven Johnson, Cindy Waple and Frances Amos for some coaching and processing. Over the last couple of years I have been struggling with my role as Children’s Director – not feeling like I could really do anything more or anything new! Children’s ministry is very dear to my heart, but like parents realize when our children grow older, we have to let them go.
I look at children’s ministry here at Elim like a child that I have raised over the last 17 years, and now it is time for me to let it go. It’s time for someone else to come in and take children’s ministry to a new level, with new ideas and new dreams. I’m excited about that, and like a proud parent, I’m ready to let go and let this ministry grow. I have hopes that bringing Nate Champneys on as Worship/Children’s Associate Pastor will bring lots of excitement and new blood. This excites me!
With the new changes that the elders are doing within the staff to make sure we are all working within our gifting and wiring they have offered me a position on the staff as Church Administrator. I love working here at Elim and it is a blessing for me to be able to continue doing something I love to do … administrate!
God knew I needed a change and He brought that about through the Elders and through you, my church family. I love this family here at Elim and I’m honored to be able to serve you as I serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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