F.E.A.S.T. (Friends Eating and Sharing Together)

What is F.E.A.S.T.?
An opportunity for you and/or your family to join others for an informal gathering to share a meal while getting to know your church family better. The number of people in your group will vary depending on whether a family with children will attend. You will be with different people each month.

F.E.A.S.T. Dates:
June 9 & 10
July 7 & 8
August 11 & 12

Register >>>HERE<<< or on the sign-up sheet posted in the Fellowship Hall.
Registration closes one week before each meeting.
You will receive an email or phone call from your host family.
Your host will provide the time, address, and the main dish for your dinner.
Please advise your host of any diet restrictions or allergies you have.
Your host may ask you to bring a salad, bread, dessert, etc.
You show up for the F.E.A.S.T. It’s that simple!