Sermons (Page 58)

ADVENT: The Promise Anticipated

The people waited, and waited, and waited, perhaps even wondering if God had forgotten them, if He had forgotten His Promise.  But the silence is about to end. God was about to break into our world.  “They will call the baby Emmanuel — God with us.”

ADVENT: The Promise Remembered

Advent is about waiting. For Israel, they were waiting for the Messiah, which was fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born. But for us today, Advent is also about waiting for Christ’s second coming when Jesus will return and reign over all nations, all people everywhere and for all eternity.

ADVENT: The Promise Forgotten

Throughout the Old Testament we read how Israel, God’s chosen people, rebelled against Him and turned their backs on Him. We each have a choice: Will we be like Israel, a rebellious child that turned their back on God? Or will we be a loving child of God, experiencing fullness of life in Christ?

ADVENT: The Promise is Made

God loves us so much that even when we disobey He continues to love us and care for us. He promised a Redeemer—He promised Someone who would restore everything that was lost. This man, Jesus, would restore all of God’s creation to its original purpose and beauty.