Keith Ferrin is the founder of That You May Know Ministries, which exists to help people fall in love with God’s Word … and its Author.
Keith has graciously allowed us to post this recording on our website. Please consider donating to this ministry so he can continue to use it to reach others.
Primary passage:
John 13-21
Keith Ferrin, Word of God, John 13-21, presentation, drama, dramatic, relationally, Bible, study, like, enjoy, communion, last supper, story, Passover, Judas, God, Jesus, wash feet, Simon Peter, clean, betray, betrayal, servant, master, Satan, love, disciples, rooster crows, trust, the way the truth the life, Phillip, father, miracles, faith, peace, afraid, fear, gardener, branch, vine, fruit, friends, commands, servants, persecution, persecute, teaching, obey, obedience, synagogue, joy, mother, baby, rejoice, prayer, pray, prayed, eternal life, olive, Kidron Valley, Jesus of Nazareth, arrested, high priest, temple, Jesus, Pilot, criminal, kingdom, king, truth, Barabbas, flogged, crown of thorns, purple robe, King of the Jews, crucify, cross, crucifixion, death, law, Son of God, Caesar, Golgotha, prophecy, Mary, it is finished, Sabbath, soldiers, testimony, Joseph, Nicodemus, stone, rise from the dead, resurrection, angles, peace, Holy Spirit, Thomas, doubt, doubting, Lord, believed, belief, Christ, Sea of Galilee, fish, boat, fishing, net, sheep, follow me, united, unity, church, story