9/11/2001 was a wake up call for America! That morning, America awakened out of her slumbering sense of false peace and security to a new awareness and a new world. The church is like America on 9/11! She needs to awaken out of her slumber! Paul wrote to the Thessalonians and God says to us, “Wake up!”
Primary passage:
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Other Bible references:
Luke 18:8
Luke 21:34-35
Psalm 14:1
Revelation 2
Revelation 3
Jude 4
9/11, 9/11/01, Sept 11, September 11, wake up, awakening, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, thief in the night, shock, disbelief, America, Palestine, security, peace, Luke 18:8, church, safe, safety, deceit, deceitful, deceived, compromise, followers of Jesus, Luke 21: 34-35, David, Psalm 14:1, atheists, fools, foolishness, accountability, choices, decisions, grace, Revelation 2, Revelation 3, lamp stand, Jude 4, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, sin, born again, limits, children, Paul, live, life, prepared, preparation, Thessalonians, culture, mediocrity, going through the motions, criticize, identity, son, daughter, father, daddy, character, reflect, adopted, relationships, anger, alert, guard, watchmen, self-control, mediocrity, hostile, rebellion, character, courageously, courage, faith, love, hope, diligent, faithful, priorities, finish well, wrath, salvation, encourage, encouraging, encouragement, community, disciples, mediocre, present, communion, punishment, calling