Women’s Bible Study

October 15, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, meeting weekly. “Creating God-Space,” led by Cindy Waple, is an experiential study focused on learning about and practicing spiritual disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are practices that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, draw us into greater intimacy with God.  As we create God-space in our daily lives, we become more aware of God’s transforming love and His presence in our lives. This eight-week video study will focus on spiritual practices discussed in Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton. Each week a new discipline will be introduced, and time will be spent practicing the exercise. Disciplines include solitude, Scripture, prayer, honoring the body, self-examination, discernment, and Sabbath. Two additional sessions will focus on both Advent and creativity as a spiritual discipline. Homework will include practice of newly introduced disciplines and some reading.