Thanksgiving Basket Packing Party


This year Women’s Ministry will be hosting a Thanksgiving basket drive. This is an opportunity to bless families in our community and act as the hands and feet of Jesus. We will be collecting food and monetary donations from October 28 to November 16. Simply pick up one of our shopping lists (click for downloadable PDF) on the bulletin board in the back and bring any non perishable food items to Elim during the dates listed. Our goal as a church family will be to provide enough baskets to bless 30 households. In addition to food donations we also need your help at our packing party November 17 at 11:00 a.m. This will be a family friendly event so please feel free to include your children at this event. Here we will sort and pack the baskets for delivery Sunday November 18. If you are able to deliver baskets please sign up in the back of the church on the bulletin board so we know for sure how many delivery drivers we will have. In addition, if you or someone you know is in need of basket please take a form (also located on the bulletin board) and submit it no later than November 13.


Thanksgiving Dinner Basket Shopping list

  • Canned corn
  • Canned green beans
  • Canned yams
  • Canned cranberry sauce
  • Canned fruit cocktail
  • Cream of mushroom soup
  • Canned/boxed chicken broth
  • Evaporated milk
  • Boxed pie crust mix
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Boxed stuffing
  • Box/bag mashed potatoes
  • Can/packaged gravy
  • French fried onions
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Canned pumpkin puree or pie filling
  • Boxed pie crust
  • Boxed dessert (brownies, bars, etc.)

Please no fresh items. Fresh items can be brought to the church the day of delivery, Nov. 18. Thank you so much for donating.