Sermons by Pastor Brian Sharpe (Page 4)

Stand Alone

A Disciple…

What are the ways the Lord has revealed himself to you and your family in your lifetime? How has God provided for you in times of need? What prayers has God answered that could not be explained other than it must have been God working? When are times where God has showed up during worship…

Prayerful Dependence

There are several times in this sermon in which we give you time to pray for specific topics. The prayer times have been shortened in the recording- we suggest you pause the recording during each prayer time until you are ready to move on with the sermon.  

Stand Alone

Challenge 2016 Update

Our Common Ground Student Ministries recently returned from the EFCA Challenge 2016 youth conference in Louisville, Kentucky. In this sermon, they share with us some of the things God is doing in their lives through this trip. We highly encourage you to listen to the full speaker messages from all the main sessions at Challenge 2016…